information for transformational people

Care 1 246My job is caring for people

From a video by Kingdom at Work

Jamie Baessler had a business that was growing and expanding - everything looked great from the outside. Internally however, relationships were crumbling.

Baessler Homes was founded in 1968 and they have built over 3000 homes. In 2010, growth opportunities led them to have different ideas re how to grow which led to real challenges. It was discouraging to see opportunities that the Lord seemed to be opening up but how to do this as a team when there are different ideas of how to do it? In the end, this created some conflict within those relationships and led to a breaking point.

Jamie sought the Lord's guidance each day and realised he was one of the primary reasons there were relationship issues. He didn't know how to care for people.

The Lord really impressed upon Jamie that the business needed to include Him. It wasn't just a secular business. They began to pray at some of the company meetings. He started to hand the company over to God not just in a financial way of giving, but also in the responsibility that God can care for all of the people that work there.

Jamie was very task focused but now understands he has to lead in a relational way - praying "Lord, break my heart for my team."

Others say, "Jamie doesn't view this as a business. He views it as a gift and a tool that we can bless other people with. I have this incredible workplace where I feel loved and supported. And by having that, I've been able to take it home and deepen the relationships I have with my children and with my fiancé".

Managers say their primary role is to develop leaders. "Everyone is a leader. Everyone has the opportunity to influence others, and with that influence, it's very powerful. It's been beyond what I could have thought of when I initially came. It's helped me grow my faith. It's helped me be more patient and to listen, and has really helped grow my marriage. My big role is to care about people."

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From a video by Kingdom at Work, 06/05/2020

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