information for transformational people

Snakes and Ladders 246Snakes and Ladders 

Beyond the Streets recently published a resource 'We Need All The Ladders We Can Get' for support organisations working with those involved in prostitution.

By using the game Snakes and Ladders as a way of exploring the process of leaving prostitution in a workshop setting, individuals who themselves are seeking to leave prostitution can share the challenges faced and the sources of support that have been beneficial. It can also be used as an educational or training tool with volunteers, service delivery staff seeking to gain a deeper understanding of the process of exiting prostitution. 

In the game, snakes are barriers that cause players to slide backwards and ladders are helpful things that help players to reach the goal quicker. Sticky notes are used to pin ideas to the board to indicate the factors identified and these are then discussed in more detail as a group.  

Example of barriers are:

  • Addiction
  • Criminal record
  • Physically held captive
  • Earnings – earn more in prostitution
  • Housing
  • Lack of education
  • Fear and physical abuse
  • Lack of job skills
  • Language barriers
  • Madams and Pimps
  • Debt
  • Self-esteem and shame
  • Societal  stigma

Examples of enabling factors are:

  • Peer support
  • Drop-in centre
  • God, faith and/or prayer
  • Health support
  • Unhealthy relationships
  • Legal aid support
  • Receiving love
  • Loan scheme
  • Jail and Court
  • Proactive outreach of a project
  • Children
  • Assistance with housing
  • Drug treatment  (e.g. AA and  NA meetings)
  • Provision of a job

The resource outlines how to run a workshop and research findings on exiting prostitution from around the world.

Using this simple technique with those you might be in contact with, allows them to share and so you may be able to uncover what the key barriers (snakes) are for an individual and work with them to overcome these (ladders).  

Download the report here

It also struck me that this technique can be used to help in many issues e.g. controlling behaviours, money management, etc.

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From a report by Beyond the Streets, 10/04/2017

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