| Timing of co-habitation and marital instability | Marriages of those who moved in together before being engaged were 48% more likely to end than the marriages of those who only cohabited after being engaged or already married.
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| From a report by the Institute of Family Studies |
 | Inspiring residents to become leaders | Everyone now works together for the benefit of the town. We’ve moved from having arguments about who should do what, groups doing things on their own, to developing skills of local people from across our community.
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| From an article by Local Trust |
 | The Lisbon Project | When Gabi graduated, she was sure that God would take her to a developing country where she would dedicate her life to addressing the poverty. However, doors kept closing...
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| From a video by The Lisbon Project |
 | Keeping seniors socially engaged | Haus Atzgersdorf care home is also home to Brauwerkstatt, a successful microbrewery. Residents are involved in whole production process, from brewing to bottling, packaging, advertising. One of a number of initiatives..
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| From an article by Reasons to be Cheerful |
 | The spirituality of nonviolence | "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." Matt 5v9 NIV. Ten “commandments” for those seeking to live a spiritual life of nonviolence. A list to meditate on..
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| From an article by the Center for Action and Conte |
 | Ways to greater happiness? | All humans want a satisfying life for themselves and their children. 68 suggestions on how individuals can raise their own happiness were rated for feasibility and effectiveness. What were the highest rated ideas?
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| From an article by the Journal of Happiness |
 | Heroes | "What's remarkable about history is ordinary people doing extraordinary things...we never know how our actions are going to ripple over time but each of us can take responsibility for pushing in the direction of justice, equality, tolerance."
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| From a TEDx talk |
 | How to take back your family’s Christmas | This Christmas, choose gratitude, forgiveness, service, and connection. This Christmas, choose joy. 7 strategies to beat the Christmas Grinch. 1. Create Some Structure. 2. Practice Acceptance. 3. Craft Your Joy...
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| From an article by Happy Families |
 | Bringing back the power of community | William Beveridge, whose 1942 report led to the welfare state, recognised he'd made a mistake in omitting a greater role for families, communities, volunteers, civil society. “It did frankly send a chill to my heart.”
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| From a blog at the British Medical Journal and oth |
 | Who are you called to share Good News with? | As Ann began to pray into the idea of being an ordinary missionary in her neighbourhood, she asked the Holy Spirit to whom she is called to bring Good News, the answer was clear. The Lord gave her a picture..
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| From a story by KC Underground |
 | Building a community wellbeing data hub in Widnes | What is wellbeing? Research with residents - emotional, physical, spiritual health, human connection, getting to places, community spirit, support, respect, kindness, values, public spaces and services..
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| From a report by Civic Data Co-operative |
 | Camino Verde - a living seed bank | The concept is to cultivate native species safeguarding their future as well as actively promoting their sustainable use throughout the region as a source of livelihoods for communities.
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| From an article by Reasons to be Cheerful |
 | From community engagement to ownership | 6 developmental phases - a pathway to strengthen, transform our communities. Thriving, diverse, equitable communities are possible through deep participation, unleashing capacity to address our toughest challenges.
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| From a resource by Facilitating Power |
 | Solutions Journalism | Solutions Journalism investigates and explains, in a critical and clear-eyed way, how people try to solve widely shared problems instead of “what’s gone wrong" journalism. Changing the culture. A guide..
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| From the European Journalism Centre |
 | The future of Christian social action | Has enthusiasm for social action led Church to become a handmaid of the state? Have projects been effective at reducing poverty? Have they been an effective way of witnessing Christian faith? What needs to change?
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| From a lecture by Jon Kuhrt for Together for the C |
 | An innovation process for a town/city | Towns/cities today must respond effectively to the needs of increased urbanisation. To do this, they need to learn, embrace an innovation process in their practices that involves local people and others. An example..
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| From an article by Apolitical |
 | The root of social connections in a community | Community building is about the vitality of connections, not tasks they perform or possessions they accrue. Such vitality is most evident in the quality of relationships rather than the quality of projects.
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| An extract from an article by Qeios |
 | The Wellbeing Journey | Churches are in a unique place to lead communities on an 8-part video journey to improved physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. It's based around 7 key areas of wellbeing. "It's been amazing."
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| Geoff Knott |
 | God saw that it was good | In such a visual age, “God saw that it was good” videos aim to take people on a step of encounter. Beyond wondering about the “how” and “why” of science’s mechanistic approach towards an encounter with the God of creation through the visual senses.
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| From videos by the Baptist Union Environment Netwo |
 | Everybody needs good neighbourhoods | Communities with neighbourhood-based initiatives exhibit; lower overall levels of crime, a greater reduction in levels of anti-social behaviour, a greater reduction in levels of criminal damage, a better neighbourhood environment and..
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| From a report by Local Trust |
 | Walking in Gratitude | When Nicola, a working mother of four, faces serious mental and physical health issues, she finds herself saying, “thank you.” She discovers that by practicing gratitude, she is able to..
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| From a video by Take Care |
 | Culture on prescription | People have long used arts as a way to make sense of the world, build connections and define themselves whilst benefiting from the arts’ therapeutic effects. Arts and culture can make us feel better...
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| From a video by Culture on Prescription |
 | How are adults coming to faith in the UK? | Big themes for churches to explore. 1. Friendship. 2. Digital. 3. Mercy ministry and gospel. 4. Hospitality. 5. The Bible. 6. Prayer and dreams... More details..
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| From a Twitter X thread from Phil Knox |
 | Go Chatter | A Christian media ministry that serves and equips churches with quality videos from over 90 content creators. The aim of their resources is to get people talking about Jesus.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | The Neighbourhood Storyteller | Asma started thinking that the refugee community in the camp needed to work together to change things. She saw potential and thought there was something to be done. She always loved reading and she always loved stories....
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| From a film by the Big Heart Foundation |
 | Do not underestimate the power of your story | You may not think it’s dramatic, important, worth telling. It is. People are drawn to conversation, and through conversation are drawn to Jesus. Ask, “God, what is my story? Who do you want me to tell it to?”
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| From an article by Exponential |
 | 5 tips for citizen engagement for the public sector | A public servant needs to master the art of engaging citizens effectively. To do the right things, they must listen, engage, and co-create solutions with those they are here to serve – the citizens.
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| From an article by Better Government |
 | The Debt | A young Mexican boy comes of age – for better or worse – in his quest to save his beloved pet goat from a debt collector. The film is inspired by Jesus’ Parable of the Unmerciful Servant.
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| From a video by Share Change |
 | From terrorist to pastor | Aged 12, Billie McCurrie's life changed overnight when his father was shot dead by the IRA - a tragic case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Seeking revenge, Billie became a terrorist...
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 | “You feed them” | Jesus’s challenge to his disciples. Today, at any one time, Saltbox’s 50 staff and 40+ volunteers are helping almost 500 needy local people with housing, loneliness and debt. Changing the world one life at a time..
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| An article by Lloyd Cooke, CEO of Saltbox and the |
 | A guide for churches to address domestic abuse | How churches can foster a safe, supportive environment where victims/survivors can talk openly about complex issues without fear of stigma or shame and how to appropriately respond to abusers.
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| From a publication by Restored |
 | Why news is so negative | If a headline reads, "Some very sad, terrible news to share", it's hard to resist opening the article. It makes an important point though - consuming news of the awful is addictive. What are effects?
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| From an article on Readtangle |
 | Incentives to donate | Studies have shown that donors strongly prefer charities with low overhead regardless of cost-effectiveness i.e. impact. How can you incent donors to give towards impact? An experiment..
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| From an article by Behavioral Scientist |
 | Do less and feel good about it | During the pandemic we experienced a period of less and as we come out of that period, there could be a tendency to add, to get busy, to fill our time. 5 key insights as to why we do this and how to prevent..
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| From an article by The Next Big Idea Club |
 | Digital Compass | A behaviourally informed programme, designed with young people to help them behave ethically online. A positive impact on their online experiences; knowledge, new coping strategies, responsibility, consequences of their actions.
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| From an article by the Behavioral Insights Team |
 | From community involvement to community engagement | Transformational community-driven engagement shares power with community and is built on trust, transparency, and mutual accountability. Shifting power to the community can be done in a variety of ways.
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| From a report by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundatio |
 | What happens when we pray | We've been praying from the year 2000 for the transformation of our city, Liverpool. We're just seeing transformation after transformation after transformation. Don't be afraid to pray big prayers.
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| From a video by Stronger Network |
 | Four core regrets in life | “How often do you look back in your life and wish you had done something differently?” Analysis of 23,000 regrets from around world show four core regrets and how regret, while painful in the moment, can help us move forward.
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| From an article by Behavioural Scientist and other |
 | Can a scientist believe in miracles? | “When I was an atheist, I'd get cross at discussions…on how Jesus’s miracles could be physically explained. To me, once you believe in God, a supernatural being, then it’s obvious that supernatural stuff can happen."
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| From an article by The Faraday Institute |
 | Thriving Cities (or towns) | What does it mean and take to thrive in my city, and how can I contribute? Six areas of community wealth and well-being: Truth, Prosperity, Good, Justice and Order, Beauty and Sustainability.
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| From a report by the Institute for Advanced Studie |
 | SharpFutures | A social enterprise that helps young people from diverse working-class backgrounds into the creative, digital, tech and film industries. “I’m really sometimes overwhelmed by what these young people achieve when we do make an intervention."
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| From an article on Pioneers Post |
 | City transformation | One thing we have learned is that when you have purpose plus unity plus communication, you have unlimited potential. We, the Ekklesia and authorities and others, have the same vision - to see our city transformed. God is connecting us.
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| From a session at the Transform Our World 2022 con |
 | Agents of Flourishing - pursuing shalom in every corner of society | Six areas; the True - knowledge, learning, Prosperous - economic life, Good - social mores, ethics, Just and Well-Ordered - political, civic life, Beautiful - creativity, design, Sustainable - natural, physical health.
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| From a talk at Q Ideas |
 | 'My city is God's city' | Can we see a harvest of people coming to Jesus in our town or city? Being transformed by the life changing gospel of Jesus? Bringing about healing in the city that we love, in the city that He loves? Declaration, prayer, blessing.
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| From an initiative in Philadelphia, USA |
 | Making Change: What Works | Movements change the world. Throughout history, loosely organised networks of individuals and organisations have sought changes to societies – and won. What can we learn from success or failure?
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| From research by IPPR |
 | Four key shifts facing the Church | "What would a collaborative, dynamic, authentic, sacrificial, generative and innovative community of Christlike leaders look like?" Four key shifts could help transition to answers to this question. They are..
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| From an essay by Rich Robinson |
 | What do friends have to do with economic mobility? | Social capital-the strength of one's social network, community-is a determinant of outcomes from education to health. A study reveals importance of friendships across socioeconomic class lines and more...
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| From an article by Behavioural Scientist |
 | Praying for patients | "Am I allowed to share my faith and pray with patients? What if I get struck off?" Pray with people, but at their request. Respond to people's questions with compassion and respect. A look at what the Bible and professional bodies do and do not say..
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| From an article by the Christian Medical Fellowshi |
 | When hope shows up | Hope seems unreasonable and, at times, irrational. When our hope is tethered to the one who brings life, innovation, beauty, creativity out of nothing, our hope serves as a symbol that a promise made will always be a promise kept.
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| From a talk at Q Ideas |
 | When do your secrets hurt your wellbeing? | While there is nothing inherently wrong with having secrets - it depends what the secret is and what revealing involves - the more burdensome it is for you to keep, the more likely it will affect your well-being.
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| From an article in Greater Good magazine |
 | Climate Emergency Toolkit | Provides a route map for your whole church or organisation to respond to the climate emergency. There are three simple but powerful actions that will have an impact far beyond your own walls...
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| Produced by Tearfund in partnership |
 | Wysa - Ai-based mental health support | In a real-world evaluation of effectiveness, users who used the app regularly showed a 40% improvement in self-reported symptoms of depression when compared to infrequent users.
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| From an article by World Economic Forum |
 | Avoiding white saviourism | Principles that can be applied to you working cross-culturally whether overseas or with communities in your own nation and whether you are planting churches or doing community development work
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| From a session at Unreached 2022 |
 | Trauma as a place of service | There are many in this world who suffer from totally undeserved injustice and trauma. If we, as the body of Christ, look to suffering humanity, we would realise that trauma is perhaps the greatest mission field of the 21stC.
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| From a talk at Q Ideas |
 | Repair Cafés | In a Repair Café, you’ll find tools, materials to help you make repairs you need; clothes, furniture, appliances, bicycles, crockery, appliances, toys, etc. You’ll also find expert volunteers, with repair skills in all kinds of fields..
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| Geoff Knott |
 | How to set up a community engagement panel | Deliberative initiatives provide local government with valuable opportunities to bring communities together, source innovative solutions on topics ranging from mobility to social care, climate, inclusion, safety.
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| From a guide by Citizen's Lab |
 | If I led Levelling Up – local changemakers speak | "We know that at hyper-local level, people understand what causes of concern are. They are careful with public funds, are prepared to work together to get best impact. Levelling Up needs to build on this."
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| From a blog by We're Right Here |
 | Rekindling Democracy | When institutions begin to replace civic life, they regulate citizens to 2nd place; consumers of government services. Experts and officials are superior to the people they serve. Over time, 5 consequences become evident...
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| From book 'Rekindling Democracy' Cormac Russell |
 | Seeds of Change | Putting more power, resources and decision-making into the hands of local communities, to enable them to transform and improve their lives and the places in which they live. A case study..
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| From an article by Local Trust |
 | Charity resilience and volunteering trends | Charity leaders report their biggest challenge is organisational resilience. How to address? Volunteering trends in pandemic have changed. Are these permanent or temporary?
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| From an article by Action Planning |
 | Show Me The Father | "This movie illuminates the powerful role that God has placed in the hands of every dad. It had us riveted from the first minute and cheering toward the end. The time for this critical message is right now for our society."
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| From a documentary Show Me The Father |
 | Create a gratitude wall | One or a number of linked blackboards labelled 'Today, I am grateful for..'. People write their answers in chalk on the board(s). Many benefits inc freeing from toxic emotions, appreciation of people, improved mental health..
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Helping people with trauma after a disaster - 2 | Trauma healing materials mainly focus on help that can be given when sufferers are in recovery. There is less material to help with practical care immediately after a crisis. Article seeks to address this..
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| A guest blog by Frank Cole, Trauma Healing trainer |
 | Helping people with trauma after a disaster - 1 | Due to the war in Ukraine, many people have volunteered to receive refugees. How can caregivers be prepared to help with trauma that refugees may be suffering? Booklet, Helping People after a Disaster, guides..
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| From a booklet by Trauma Healing Institute |
 | Connecting social action and faith-sharing | A helpful booklet about lessons learnt from social action + faith sharing. Case studies, tips and practical suggestions. "When you meet a need, you create a context to share something of the hope we have."
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| From a booklet by Share Jesus International |
 | Healing Grove Health Center | "Every time I've had a call from God, I've been like, "Yeah, let's go." And then God says, "Whoa, slow down." This time something really unique happened. We are like, "I don't know." And God's like, "GO NOW! GO, GO, GO!""
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| From a presentation at a Transform Our World Confe |
 | Umbrella | An 8 minute award winning animation inspired by true events and filled with messages of empathy and hope, Umbrella follows Joseph's story, a boy who lives in an orphanage and dreams of having a yellow Umbrella.
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 | Making Disciples for the Workplace | Work is not a topic to be addressed but a context to disciple people for. A booklet for leaders unpacks research and tested ideas on biblical frameworks and spiritual practices that will enable workers to be fruitful.
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| A booklet from Grove Books |
 | Beautiful | Things are not always as they seem. A video giving a momentary glimpse into one woman’s life as she walks down the street. There is always more to someone’s story than what’s on the surface...
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| A video from Salvation Army Caring Magazine |
 | Have foodbanks politicised kindness? | A great initiative but the relationship between the donor and receiver is broken-a loss to community life. Such acts of kindness are institutionalised, more transactional and politicised. What can we do to improve this?
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Pancakes on the Porch | Everyone has a need to have connection and community. You're building relationships with a sphere of people you would never normally hang out with. Have the faith to say that if I take the first step I think that God will take take it further.
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| From a video by Forge |
 | Mobilising missional disciples - 2 | What does it look like to shift from being an attractional Sunday church to being a more missional church? Leading with mission - training Christians to live as missionaries, to be disciple makers out in the everyday spaces of life
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| From an interview by Exponential |
 | Mobilising missional disciples - 1 | A pastor started to shift an attractional, Sunday-centric professional led church into more of a seven day people movement of God, where every disciple was feeling the call to make disciples in the ordinary spaces of life.
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| From an interview by Exponential |
 | Choose Love | The Choose Love online shop is the world’s first to sell real products for refugees and displaced communities. There are three categories of products; Emergency Needs, Daily Survival, Building Futures.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Addressing human trafficking in your own backyard | David Batstone is a venture capitalist, business professor, PhD in theology. He discovered his favourite Indian restaurant had trafficked 500+ girls, aged 14 to 19 for forced labour. So what did David do?
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| From a podcast by Faith Driven Entrepreneur |
 | How to connect social action and faith sharing | A booklet to help churches think how they can incorporate sharing faith in the social action they are involved in, to demonstrate what makes us distinctive. Case studies and 25 practical ideas.
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| From a booklet by Share Jesus International |
 | The ‘abyss of irrelevance’ | What happens when your identity is founded on what you do and then that is removed? Are you facing the ‘abyss of irrelevance’ and what should you do? Some principles..
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| From an article in Sorted magazine |
 | Radical faith in the underground church - 3 | The problem with the western model is 'come and see'. That's not what Jesus said. Jesus said, 'go and find'. We don't even see a 'come and see' model - it's all about going and finding the lost. Going where they are.
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 | Clashing Agendas | David Freud tells the inside story of his battles - with Westminster and Whitehall alike - to modernize our welfare system inc Universal Credit. It is a riveting dialogue-driven account of how Government really works (or not).
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Radical faith in the underground church - 2 | I would read Acts and ask the Lord, "Why is persecution reducing the Church here?" The Lord answered, "You made converts not disciples. Converts will run away from me in persecution. Disciples will die for me."
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 | Radical faith in the underground church - 1 | This church movement has no bank account, charitable status, central leadership, denoms, church buildings or seminaries and if any one is caught they could be executed or put in prison and yet it is exploding.
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 | How to get better at changing your mind | "Finding out that I was wrong is the way I’ve learned something. Otherwise, I’m just living in a world that’s dominated by confirmation or desirability bias. And I’m just affirming things I already think I know."
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| From an article by Behavioral Scientist |
 | My Dream, My Taste | People are losing a public sense of what 'the good life' is and replacing it with their own individualised version which changes according to day-to-day tastes. They have become detached from the larger story of deep meaning.
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| From a podcast and video by Theos |
 | Evangelism in a digital age - 5 | People are dropping into our online presence and seeking to hear about God, to encounter God, to see if God encounters them. They have just found a safe place to find their answers about God
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| An online discussion hosted by Fresh Expressions |
 | Evangelism in a digital age - 4 | The success of online church depends on understanding online platforms as a particular kind of space, rather than merely a means of projecting my church into your living room.
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| An online discussion hosted by Fresh Expressions |
 | Evangelism in a digital age - 3 | 18-30 year olds are really interested in faith but the medium, the language is all online. We've got a generation asking big questions and interested in faith, and a church that has been pushed to speak their language.
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| An online discussion hosted by Fresh Expressions |
 | Evangelism in a digital age - 2 | It's all about context, context, and context. Different ways of presenting material and sharing your own story, connecting with different people groups. Do not underestimate the importance of simple things..
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| An online discussion hosted by Fresh Expressions |
 | Evangelism in a digital age - 1 | The key about sharing faith through digital media is to build relationships within affinity groups. You belong and can share faith personally, rather than think of preaching on internet platforms to people you don't know.
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| An online discussion hosted by Fresh Expressions |
 | Grief - coping with loss of identity | "A friend whose husband died over a year ago. She knew she would grieve for him, but she was also grieving for the person she was when he was alive. She felt she had lost that person."
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| From a blog by a Moodscope member |
 | City-wide prayer evangelism - Sheffield | During this month, March 2021, hundreds of believers from 90 churches across Sheffield will be prayer walking their streets. They are prayer walking along the streets they know and love to bless their city.
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| From an initiative Arise Sheffield |
 | The Thinker (Wrong Turns) | Rodin's famous sculpture, 'The Thinker' was envisaged as part of a much larger work. He was to be placed on or by 'The Gates of Hell'. He watches the scene, wrapped in contemplation...
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| From a track by Z317 Music |
 | Equipping | What proportion of time is being used on maintenance ministry versus developing others? We can all fill our diaries but building increasing time for training must be vital for a healthy, growing Church and kingdom.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Money Help Toolkit | Compassionate Communities ran a series on “Covid 19: Responding to the Debt Tsunami”. They explored, with the help of experts and parishes, how the church can help and support those struggling with money in wake of Covid-19.
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| From a resource by Compassionate Communities |
 | Interview with Guvna B | "If you wake up in the morning and try your best to be who God has called you to be, it might be daunting, risky, but you go to bed knowing you've given it all. That is one of the most satisfying feelings that I've ever felt."
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| From a session at Everything 2020 |
 | CrossPurpose | "How do we help our neighbours escape poverty?". CrossPurpose has a mission to abolish economic, relational, and spiritual poverty through career and community development. 473 neighbours so far graduated and escaped poverty...
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| From a presentation at Praxis Labs The Gathering 2 |
 | The birth story | I realised I needed more than a nursing degree to be able to really affect any change in underserved contexts. I felt like God was calling me to become a midwife. And I was like, "Okay, I'm in. I'm in. I want to help."
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| From a video by Faith Driven Entrepreneur |
 | Low-income communities have assets | You have to start with the belief that people have capacities and abilities and they can be powerful. I’ve never seen a low-income neighbourhood that really changed because they finally got enough agencies fixing them.
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| From an article by Faith and Leadership |
 | The Two Year Rule | Dating and cohabiting couples should have a serious discussion about the future of their relationship within two years, and if the relationship is not headed toward marriage by then, it is time to end it.
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| From an article by the Institute of Family Studies |
 | Journeys | "Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It's a journey of discovery - there are moments on mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair." Rick Warren.
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| From a track by Z317 Music |
 | What workers want from their local church | Working Christians want their churches to provide encouragement and support for their work, provide guidance for how to engage faith at work and have more empathy with respect to the demands of their work.
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| From an article by Made to Flourish |
 | Church growth or kingdom growth focus? | “What do seminaries/bible colleges need to be like to equip the churches to equip God’s people to serve God in the patterns of their work and their play beyond the boundaries of the church?”
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| From a talk by Richard Mouw, former president of F |
 | The Invisible Church - an update | Results of a “five years on” study. A substantial proportion of the population beyond current congregational life see themselves as part of the Christian family and are actively pursuing the Jesus Way.
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| An article by the Church Missionary Society |
 | Mirror, mirror | An international study revealed over 90% of women aged between 15 and 64 years would change at least one thing about their body image if they could. Some beauty tips..
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| From a track by Z317 Music |
 | Faith groups and social cohesion | Faith groups’ positive contribution to social cohesion deserves greater recognition and greater influence on cohesion policy. "Faith groups play a central role in social cohesion while providing crucial services."
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| From a report by the British Academy and the Faith |
 | Let's continue to build community - a new table | The table is not a physical object sitting in some meeting room at the Town Hall. It’s not a visioning session, public hearing, or an online form. The table is out there. The table is our community.
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| From an article by Strong Towns |
 | Regrets | Bronnie Ware, a nurse who counselled the dying in their last days, revealed the most common regrets we have at the end of our lives. We don't know when our life will end but there is hope. Hear from the wife, husband, children and the Stranger..
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| From a track by Z317 Music |
 | Digital youthwork | Creating a space where struggling youths can reinvent themselves as being successful against a backdrop where generally the world is telling them that what they're doing is wrong.
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| From a talk by Simon Glenister, founder of Noise S |
 | Empathy vs Sympathy | If I share something with you that's very difficult, I'd rather you say, "I don't even know what to say. I'm just so glad you told me." Because the truth is, rarely can a response make something better. What makes something better is connection.
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| From a video by The RSA |
 | Memory Matters | Care designed to support people affected by dementia. The social enterprise has seen a 70-80% rise in cognition – the ability to acquire knowledge and understanding – from their workshops.
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| From an article on Pioneers Post |
 | On a plate | Some folk have perhaps had a helping hand in life while others weren’t given such assistance. You can’t blame people for being given opportunities, but it’s always good to realise how the other half lives and to help those who are not that fortunate.
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| From a comic strip by Toby Morris |
 | Becoming a world-changer | Why do we hold back from the inner-knowing that we are created for something bigger than ourselves? What keeps us from stepping out into the unknown-yet-thrilling adventure of what God has called us to do?
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| From an article by Heaven in Business |
 | We are in the same storm, but not in the same boat | It is very important to see beyond what is seen at first glance - not just looking, actually seeing. We are all on different ships during this storm experiencing a very different journey. Please realise that and be kind.
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| Author unknown |
 | End-of-life priorities within the UK homeless | In the UK, people experiencing homelessness die, on average, 30 years younger than the general population. Their priorities at the end are somewhat different than those of the general population.
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| From a study by Wendy Webb and others, University |
 | The world after Covid-19 - 2 | Pandemics require us to recognise our common humanity - we can only be as healthy as people are elsewhere. Covid-19 is affecting economies, health systems in dramatic ways. It's going to lead to a big reset on many levels.
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| From an online event by How To Academy |
 | The world after Covid-19 - 1 | How does globalization create systemic risks and what can we do about it? What global responses are necessary now and in future? Will the world deglobalize? Impact on our societies and the world order?
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| From an online event by How To Academy |
 | The beatitudes for today | Blessed are the.... How does the most famous sermon in history still apply? The Beatitudes Project film features change-makers from all over world. Hosted by Stu Garrard of Delirious?, the result is a disruptive and surprising journey.
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| From a resource by the Beatitudes Project |
 | A theology of disruption | Interruption is God’s invitation. God is inviting us to see him all around us, in the lives of others, in our conversations, in our serving those in need. It is one of God’s ways of waking us up to what’s around us.
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| From an article by Desiring God |
 | The 100 Day Challenge | Allows front-line staff and citizens to collaborate and experiment with new ways of working, testing them for 100 days to see if they make a difference.
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| From a report by Nesta |
 | Frontline Sundays | Imagine what would happen if every Christian looked around at the people they spend their days with and asked God: how do you want me to be good news to the people here today?
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| From a resource by LICC |
 | Creatively sharing the gospel | "Whoever you are, we can all be creative to give God the glory and just display his greatness. Really look at the things which shape culture and society and use those things to explain who Jesus is."
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| From a video by Wycliffe |
 | Improving wellbeing in the community | Case studies of 9 towns across the UK that are imagining and building new futures for themselves. The stories told show the breadth of responses people have developed to transform their towns.
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| From a report by the Carnegie Trust |
 | Ministry amongst Britain’s poorest | A conversation about some of the unique pressures of ministry to hard places. "How we do evangelism is completely different - it's new and it's good and it's real, real life."
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| From an article by FIEC |
 | 7 habits of institutional radicals | Imagine a world where every institution, whether within the spheres of commerce, government, or civil society, had an active policy to reduce dependence on their service, by increasing interdependence in community life.
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| From an article by Nuture Development |
 | Kingdom in the Workplace | "I had overlooked my immediate mission field 8 hours a day, five days a week. I observed that my colleagues, were in fact an unreached people group. And they were my people group."
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| A guest blog by Lyndsey Seale of Transform Work UK |
 | A medicine for stress | How do you minister to a young man who when younger lost his father, his two uncles, his grandfather, his security, his home and his health in one traumatic episode?
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| From an article by Worktalk |
 | Fresh expressions - kingdom advance | Encouraging news from different denominations regarding how Fresh Expressions of church has flourished over the last 15 years. Up to 25% of attendees in some areas.
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| From a report by Fresh Expressions |
 | Self-service | We are trying to be masters of the universe while we are not masters of ourselves. Jesus has immeasurable power but channels it into care, kindness and courtesy.
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| From an article by Worktalk |
 | Advancing well-being in an inequitable world - 2 | The Thriving Places Index is a new way to look at the strengths and challenges of the place where you live in England or Wales. It shows whether the conditions are in place for people to thrive – in a fair and sustainable way.
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| From The Thriving Places Index |
 | Advancing well-being in an inequitable world - 1 | What can we learn from multiple countries about advancing well-being—a notion of health that extends beyond the absence of disease? Need to radically expand the definition of progress to include well-being as a complement to economic vitality.
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| From a report by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundatio |
 | Biblical Foundations for Social Reform | Jonathan Tame of Jubilee Centre presents a biblical worldview for public engagement, articulates the importance of Biblical Law and offers some suggested principles for political economy.
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| From a talk by Jubilee Centre |
 | Ekklesia - 24/7 Church | Always people, never buildings. Vibrant, expansive, operating 24/7, unstoppable capacity for growth. A mobile people movement, operating in the marketplace to impact everybody and everything.
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| From a talk by Ed Silvoso about his book Ekklesia |
 | The decline of empathy | For the past 4 decades, psychologists have measured empathy. Empathy has dwindled steadily, especially in the 21stC. The average person in 2009 was less empathic than 75 percent of people in 1979.
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| From an article by Jamil Zaki, assistant professor |
 | Homelessness and Community | The issue is not one of house-lessness, rather homelessness. Putting a roof over someone’s head does not provide them with the sense of acceptance and belonging that is needed to find a home. Homelessness and community have to be understood together.
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| From an article by Enterprise Homes |
 | Are marriages becoming stronger everywhere? | UK divorce rates have now fallen to 35 per cent, the lowest levels in fifty years. The hard data say that this is happening almost entirely because fewer wives are filing for divorce during the first decade of married life.
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| From an article by the Marriage Foundation |
 | Flourish | A wellbeing discovery programme run by Liveability where people learn horticulture, conservation, maintenance and rural craft in a tranquil setting, building confidence, making friends and having fun.
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| From an article by Liveability |
 | Prayer evangelism - 2 | “I kept hearing the word ‘zip codes.’ As I pressed in more, I felt that the Lord wanted us to pray over the 43 zip codes that make up the New Orleans area on a daily basis for one year.”
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| From an article by Transform Our World |
 | Prayer evangelism - 1 | The team walked the school area weekly, inviting the Lord’s presence. Soon, the shootings stopped and the barriers were removed. The Christian club grew from 4 students to 70...
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| From an article by Transform Our World |
 | 4 million micro churches planted in less than 30 years | "We're having over a million baptisms reported, and around 150,000 simple churches started every year. And that's starting from a house church on our back porch. These churches are having babies. The longest I know, of since March 2013, is 38 generations.
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| From a podcast by 100 Movements |
 | Friendship | "Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow-ripening fruit”. With true friendship, friends love each other for their own sake, and they wish good things for each other. Other forms of friendship are based on either utility or pleasure.
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| From a blog by Public Discourse |
 | Bible-based trauma healing | Trauma is part of the human experience in the broken world. How do people recover from trauma? Can the Bible help? What can the Church do? The Healing the Wounds of Trauma model can be used in any context.
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| From resources from the Trauma Healing Institute |
 | Building the Common Good | The Here: Now: Us People Common Good Training Workshop is a one-day introduction to the Common Good, designed to empower and equip people from across the Christian traditions to help strengthen civil society and build community.
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| From a resource from Together for the Common Good |
 | Denver Day Works | Pays homeless residents to perform public service work for the city. More than 300 people have participated, and 145 found permanent employment.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Supporting young carers: a guide | There are around 700,000 young carers in the UK. 80% miss out on childhood experiences, as they need to spend time caring for family or friends. A guide as to how you can help them.
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| From an article by High Speed Training |
 | Neighbourhood soup | Why not hold the occasional micro-granting event to help highlight and fund local projects in your community? A collaboration, a meal together, a platform for connection, a safe space, community helping fund its own people and a forum.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Roving listening | Spending time with the neighbours in community, not to gauge their needs but to understand the talents. Hundreds of people now pass under the church's roof each week.
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| From an article by Ministry with the Poor |
 | Insights into cultural renewal | Everything Conference report - example after example of Christians who are very clearly renewing the cultures they find themselves in, and doing so in effective, winsome and undeniably Christ like ways.
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| From a blog by Jonny Mellor Sputnik - a network of |
 | The 99 best things that happened in 2018 | Reading the media can be very depressing - it does not give a holistic view of what is happening in the world - and some great things happened in 2018.
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| From a blog by Angus Hervey, Future Crunch |
 | Mental Health Access Pack | A partnership of three organisations - Livability, The Mind and Soul Foundation and Premier Life - has recently completely updated a free resource pack about mental health.
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| Mental Health Access Pack |
 | The friendship bench | Zimbabwe has been pioneering a groundbreaking mental health programme with stunning results. It uses public benches and a team of grandmothers to tackle depression.
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| From an article by the BBC |
 | The Church and estates | If we’re serious about the renewal of Christian life in our nation we need to do what Jesus did. It’s in the edges amongst the marginalised that renewal will come.
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| From video by the Church of England |
 | The effect of 'community' on health | The death rate from all causes was 30% lower than expected. There was no suicide, no alcoholism, no drug addiction. People were dying of old age - that’s all.
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| From Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell |
 | Marriage preparation paradoxes | Current promoted behaviours that are meant to deliver later marital quality and stability produce the opposite of what they intend.
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| From an article by the Institute for Family Studie |
 | What to say to parents of a child with cancer | It can be hard to know what to say, what to do or how to be a friend. Tips on what to say to avoid difficult social situations and how to practically help the people close to you.
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| From an article by Children's Cancer and Leukaemia |
 | Life in 6 words | Jason "Propaganda" Petty, a rap artist reflects on Life in 6 words - that spell G.O.S.P.E.L.
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| From a video by Dare2Share |
 | Detached youthwork - threats and opportunities | SU suggests the Church only reaches 5% of young people in UK. Why not try detached youthwork? Here's 10 aspects of detached youthwork that could be viewed either as threats to or opportunities for the Church.
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| From a blog by Learning from the Streets |
 | How come you guys don't give up on us? | There is something very persistent and consistent about the activity of a Christian community, committed to serve and committed to remain.
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| From an article by The Journal of Missional Practi |
 | Lessons learned in an estate context | Estate ministry is like no other that I've experienced. It is attritional and costly, you need endurance and a wide ranging set of skills, especially adaptability.
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| From a series of tweets by Ray Driscoll |
 | A gratitude journal | "After one year of keeping a gratitude journal, I took the time to total up all the mentions..... " Who and what were the top mentions?
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| From an article from The Wisdom Project |
 | Joy and disappointment in mission | We tend to share about positive responses to outreach but we don't hear about the disappointments. What happened when a Mission Community in Sheffield got out onto the streets to share the love of Jesus.
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| From a blog by Fresh Expressions |
 | Grieving | Grief is escorting up an even deeper feeling, a truth about your life, what you value and what you need.
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| From a blog by Thrive Global |
 | ReThink | In the West, the church is less and less effective at reaching a changing world but many in the church continue to believe the church maintains a central role in the life of culture. Time to ReThink.
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| From an e-book by Send Institute |
 | The Church of the Table | Every day, anybody who wishes to join for lunch can knock at our door. It is a “family table”, everyone is asked to help in some task, like in every family.
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| From a blog by Together for the Common Good |
 | A ministry of loitering | Jesus was hanging around healing pools, busy street intersections, and wells and revealed to those around him their sacred worth.
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| From a blog by Fresh Expressions USA |
 | Participatory Budgeting - an example | The Government of Ontario recently requested ideas from the public to help problems in one of 5 focus areas. These ideas were shortlisted and voted on by the public. The Government will now spend CAN$5M on 5 of them.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Marriage is best for long-term happiness | Those who marry are more satisfied than those who remain single. The benefits of marriage persist in the long-term. Marriage seems to be most important in middle age. Those who are best friends with their partners have the largest well-being benefits.
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| From an article in the Journal of Happiness Studie |
 | Compassionate Communities | A “compassionate community” scheme in Frome aimed at tackling loneliness and associated ill health has helped cut emergency hospital admissions by 17%.
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| From an article in Resurgence magazine |
 | Invisible Walls Wales | Results of an initiative focused on supporting prisoners in maintaining strong bonds with their families, particularly their children and partners
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| From a blog by Lemos&Crane |
 | Why beauty matters | “At every level of the human experience, we are looking for the beautiful, something that gives priority to our souls, not just our physical needs.”
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| From a TED talk |
 | Supporting those serving on the margins | A report exploring how churches can support and equip their members whose work or ministry with those ‘on the margins’ takes place primarily outside of church walls.
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| From a report by The Centre of Theology and Commun |
 | Pressed for time? | Is time scarcity because people simply have less free time today? There is little evidence for this. Instead, it may come from a surprising culprit..
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| From a blog by Behavioural Scientist |
 | The 99 best things that happened in 2017 | An incredible year for global health. Stunning victories for global conservation. Rising living standards for billions of people. An amazing year for clean energy. Breakthroughs in justice. The world got less violent. Hope for a living planet.
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| From a blog by Angus Hervey |
 | Don't let facts get in the way | People have a tendency to seek information that confirms their existing beliefs. Providing people with accurate information doesn’t seem to help; they simply discount it.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Where is the UK Church going? | Latest research into UK Church trends. An overview of church life in the UK covering individual years between 2012-2017 and a forecast to 2022.
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| From UK Church Stats 2018 |
 | A life of impossibilities | We desire for transformation to come to those around us and the places we occupy. But what role do we really play in those results? How does God’s power intersect with our passion?
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| From a talk by Banning Liebscher, founder of Jesus |
 | The Church and the World | Christians around the world today find themselves in very different contexts than they did 40 years ago - need to think differently about the people among whom they live and work.
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| From a report by Lausanne Movement |
 | The banquet | There was once a man who threw a great dinner party and invited many. When it was time for dinner, he sent out his servant to the invited guests, saying, ‘Come on in; the food’s on the table.’
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| A mural by Hyatt Moore |
 | City transformation - Liverpool | 15 years ago, a prayer group started firstly to meet with the police and pray about the city. They began to release the blessing of God.
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| From a video from the World Prayer Centre |
 | Café Church | Two examples of church communities using high street cafés and the relationships that are formed.
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| From material from Church of Scotland and Kahaila |
 | Generation rising | In an age of globalisation, rapid change and hyper-connectivity, what do aspiring young leaders want the future to look like?
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| From a blog by Common Vision |
 | Christians in Practice | Research exploring how Christians connect their discipleship to their engagement in communities. Activities, motivation, connections to calling, growth, support.
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| From a report by the Saltley Trust |
 | Piggy Bank Friday | An initiative in primary schools with 10-11 year olds to develop financial literacy. At one school. pupils saved over £24,000 in one year.
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| From an article by Edutopia |
 | The success sequence | Divergent paths toward adulthood are associated with markedly different economic fortunes among Millennials.
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| From a report by AEI and IFS |
 | The dignity of work | Inherent in who we are as humans is the need for a person to contribute to his or her family or neighbourhood or culture in a discernible way.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | How the rich differ from the poor - 2 | The poor earn less, not out of incompetency, but because they must allocate mental capacity to problems that are more pressing to them than to the rich.
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| From a blog by Adam Turville |
 | How the rich differ from the poor - 1 | How does the division between the wealthy and the poor affect the social aspects of our society? Are the wealthy truly invested in the poor and do they care?
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| From a blog by Adam Turville |
 | Participatory Budgeting - 1 | Expanding the imagination about democracy could help to focus resources on the projects that are most meaningful to local communities.
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| From an article by Jake Carlson, Participatory Bud |
 | Transformation Rosario Argentina | In 2011, Barrio Las Flores in Rosario, Argentina, was overrun by battling drug cartels. Then Gregorio Avalos, a Christian, ran for president of the neighbourhood association and won by four votes.
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| From a book Ekklesia by Ed Silvoso |
 | British Social Attitudes Survey 34 | Every BSA survey seeks to look beyond the headlines to uncover the deeper attitudes and trends that shape our country. This year is no different.
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| From Key Findings BSA 34 |
 | Summer in the Forest | This poetic film follows the life of the L’Arche community in France, where people have found what it truly means to be human.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Healing on the Streets | The story of the church powerfully expressing God’s love in the market place in Husby, Stockholm as they reached out to the lost and hurting on the streets.
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| From a blog by Mark Marx, leader HOTS |
 | Actions speak louder than words | A study shows that the more that people were exposed to faith-based actions, the higher their religiosity and the more certain they were of God’s existence.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | The Race | An encouraging and inspiring reminder of the race we are running as portrayed in Hebrews 12v1-3.
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| From a video by Simon Guillebaud |
 | Top hits playlist | God seems to be at work through popular songs that either tap into the desire to worship that is in each of us or show something of God's love for us.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | What matters to you? - a new vital sign | We all have vital signs - heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, temperature. However there is a new vital sign about compassion, about care.
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| From a talk by Jason Leitch, National Clinical Dir |
 | Fundraising toolkits | The Diocese of London has produced a set of guides for churches to use to engage their congregations and communities or apply to trusts and foundations for support.
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| From resources provided by The Diocese of London |
 | The poverty premium | Research into eight types of poverty premium that households experience to varying degrees at an average of £490pa.
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| From a report by Bristol University |
 | Snakes and Ladders | A way of exploring the process of leaving prostitution in a workshop setting
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| From a report by Beyond the Streets |
 | Doing good does you good | It’s often said that it’s better to give than receive but did you know that this is actually backed up by research?
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| From a publication by The Mental Health Foundation |
 | Window Wanderland | Imagine your neighbourhood’s ordinary windows transformed into an outdoor gallery and all generations coming together in a fun, creative way.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Faith in Dark Places | The gospel may not only be good news to the poor but it may be good news from the poor. Through them God often chooses to show his creative love for the world.
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| A book by David Rhodes |
 | God Behind Bars | Churches are streaming services into prisons. Family members of prisoners can watch the same service at the same time - attend 'church' together.
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| |
 | Memory Café | Memory Café is run by St Cuthbert's Church, Wembley and helps the elderly and lonely who live locally. By doing this, the church has been able to create a real presence in the community and has grown.
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| From an article by the London Diocese |
 | What a difference a faith makes | New Philanthropy Capital published a report in November 2016 entitled, 'What a difference a faith makes: Insights on faith-based charities'. What were the key findings?
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| From a report by NPC |
 | Cook an extra plate for a neighbour | Volunteers share extra portions of home-cooked food with people in their area who aren’t always able to cook for themselves. They share once a week, once a month, or whenever works best for them.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | The Happiness Course | Everyone wants to be happy… yet what exactly is happiness? A short course which connects with your community whilst being a safe place to explore tough issues.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | 10 ways to look after your mental health | The Mental Health Foundation promotes good mental health for all. As part of this work they publish helpful guides. One of these is 'How to look after your Mental Health'.
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| From The Mental Health Foundation |
 | Mission and ministry in deprived areas | The Diocese of Bristol provides ministry that serves and reaches out to some of the most deprived areas of the country in both Bristol and Swindon. Here are some insights about church on the Penhill and Pinehurst estates in Swindon.
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| From CofE Diocese of Bristol |
 | Beyond foodbanks | The Scottish government recently announced 21 project awards totalling £900,000 from their Fair Food Transformation Fund. This fund supports initiatives across the country that are seeking to reduce reliance on emergency food aid.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Families in Britain - 6 themes | What is daily life really like for Britain’s families? 4Children began to dig deeper into the hopes, fears and aspirations of our country’s families. Their report identified six themes
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| 4Children |
 | Using video to aid transformational action | Time and again, we have seen the impact video can have, not just for large brands, but for charities too, no matter the size. When produced well, video has the power to emotionally move people
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| Debra Sobel, film director, Vanilla Films |
 | Church growth in east London: a grassroots view | This report with research from 13 local church leaders illustrates the challenges and opportunities of church growth in mainly deprived communities across east London.
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| From a report by The Centre of Theology and Commun |
 | Mission Shaped Buildings | There is a profound shift taking place in the UK as churches begin to engage with the real needs of the community around them. This is manifesting itself in the design of church buildings to properly resource the work and reimagine church.
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| Kelvin Sampson |
 | Bridges Out of Poverty | A resource to help you be a church for the poor? Middle class understandings of those who work with people in poverty are often ill-suited for connecting with and helping people build up resources and rise out of poverty.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | The Myth of the Undeserving Poor | On the 30th July 2016, Martin Charlesworth of Jubilee+ and co-author of The Myth of The Undeserving Poor presented the findings and biblical reflections from the book at an event organised by CapitalMass in London.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Transformation Cuidad Juarez - 3 | Following on from my last blog regarding about the transformation that is on-going in Cuidad Juarez, here is an update on what has happened in the city:
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Transformation Cuidad Juarez - 2 | In Mexico, in Cuidad Juarez, after the city was touched, they still had a problem with schools. One-thousand schools. The pastor Poncho Morguia went to the school superintendent. He asked this lady, "Would you give me ten schools,
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Transformation Cuidad Juarez - 1 | Ed Silvoso recently told the story of Poncho Murguia, a pastor in Cuidad Juarez, a city on the Mexican-USA border, who, obeying God, stepped out of his church role and set out to transform his city - the murder capital of the world.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Church of the poor: Turning the world upside-down | A church for the poor. Not just a food bank for the poor, debt advice for the poor, campaigning for the poor, an ESOL class, a financial literacy session, a cooking group, a gardening club for the poor… A church for the poor
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| Liam Purcell |
 | Carry a generosity kit with you | A generosity kit could be as big as a suitcase or as small as your back pocket. The idea is just that you face the day prepared – with a kit of items that could range from a safety pin to a shovel, ready to give out generously to those in need.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Working well with volunteers | The Church Urban Fund has published some great resources on 'Working Well With Volunteers' to help guide churches and church-based organisations. "Churches vary enormously in resources - human and otherwise - but they all rely on volunteers.
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| Information presented by the Church Urban Fund |
 | God and money film - money, debt and salvation | First of a series of 4 short films from To Your Credit, Justin Welby and leading theologians reflect on the theology of money and debt. A guide for small group discussion accompanies each film, including key bible
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Life changing buildings | Life changing buildings are those which are instruments, vehicles, tools for community transformation. Well-conceived buildings begin with a comprehensive understanding of the function they serve. Architects may design incredible spaces, eye-catching
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| Kelvin Sampson |
 | Love, sweat and tears - 5 church plants in east London | The Centre for Theology and Community has just published research on five church plants undertaken in east London through the Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) Network.The churches were planted over a ten year period
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| The Centre for Theology & Community |
 | A stable home for the poorest families | In February 2016, the Centre for Social Justice published a significant piece of research ‘Home Improvements’ containing a series of recommendations to help the Government develop a coherent housing strategy for low-income households.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | 4 basic rules to help you avoid poverty | Fraser Nelson recently published a fascinating article about key factors of people who prosper. Those who observe them are highly unlikely to end up in poverty. Those who break them are unlikely to avoid it.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Cost of family breakdown reaches record high | In February 2016, the Relationships Foundation updated their annual “Cost of Family Failure Index”. It reveals that the 2016 cost of family breakdown to the taxpayer has increased for the seventh year in a row
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| Geoff Knott |