| My Brother's Keeper | Initiative that has built an alliance of community networks across USA to realise improved life outcomes for boys and young men of colour. Graduations up, unemployment reduced, gun violence reduced and crime solved rates increased..
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| From an initiative by The Obama Foundation |
 | How AI is revolutionising education | The system isn't broken - it's outdated, no longer necessary in its current form due to advances in technology and AI. There is urgency for educators to integrate AI into their teaching strategies and work processes.
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| From a talk at Digital Leaders week |
 | NHS - We need to talk about trauma | "Learning about trauma has transformed my GP practice, helping me make sense of much that has frustrated, worried, exhausted me for years. I am now committed to sharing lessons with other healthcare professionals."
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| From an article by A Better NHS |
 | How screen time affects childhood development | As screen tech becomes more integrated into our lives, attempts to understand its impact on cognitive and behavioural development, particularly in children, have sparked concerns and debate. Some insights..
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| From an article by Safety Detectives |
 | Catalysing a movement for resilience in a community | “One thing that resonated with everybody was the discussion about trauma.” Trauma was THE common thread linking child welfare and student behaviour issues, adult addictions, domestic + sexual violence.
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| From an article by Mobilizing Action for Resilient |
 | The Compass of Shame | The first wince of shame is physical. The feeling is so noxious that we generally move quickly to get out of this moment through one or two of four scripted responses - referred to as the four points on a "Compass of Shame"
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| From an article by Psychology Today |
 | Confronting the toll of hook-up culture | The consequences are tangible psychological distress, embarrassment, loss of respect, distrust, difficulties with maintaining steady relationships, STDs, depression, anxiety. We need to model something different.
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| From an article by The Institute of Family Studies |
 | 10 essential tips for effective Youth Ministry | Practical advice on how to navigate the challenges and rewards of working with young people in a Christian context. Help with unpredictability of youth work and fostering a community connection.
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| From a video by Ridley Hall Cambridge |
 | A mother’s answered prayer | At 16, Cindy started dating a young man and found herself pregnant. After months of painful decision making, she decided that adoption was the best route. Her son Tom was born and she held him for four days and prayed..
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| From an article by The Salvation Army |
 | Bringing social entrepreneurship to schools | Students greatly benefit from engaging in an entrepreneur project, including practicing various approaches to learning skills, enhancing financial literacy, and developing perseverance and resilience.
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| From an article by Alison Yang |
 | Should adolescents start school later? | Various pilot programs have found that later secondary school start times may help students get more sleep, feel less depressed, attend school more, and achieve higher grades. But it depends on..
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| From an article by Bold and other sources |
 | Reminiscing with your child | Reminiscing with children at various ages benefits the children linguistically, cognitively, emotionally, and academically.
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| From an article on Child and Family blog |
 | The first 1001 days | Children’s development in the early years sets them on a positive trajectory. Children’s development at just 22 months has been shown to predict their qualifications at 26 years.
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| From infographics by the Parent Infant Foundation |
 | Schools and intergenerational tutoring | A programme that which pairs senior volunteers with children in kindergarten thru Year 3 for 30–45 minutes each week. They become their tutor, mentor and friend. The volunteers benefit in various ways too..
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| From an article by The 74 |
 | What is family? | Cultures, values, social expectations, laws have changed over time and vary from place to place. In research, love and unconditional non-judgemental support had universal agreement as being important, but what about legal and blood ties?
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| From research by the Australian Institute of Famil |
 | Tackling Trauma, Ending Homelessness | 94% of people facing homelessness have experienced trauma. We can only end rough sleeping and homelessness if we tackle trauma. Research about this 'Catch 22'...
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| From a report by Oasis Community Housing |
 | A curious lawyer’s journey to justice | I watched a one-hour film called 'Resilience'. It was all about childhood trauma. I watched and thought, "I've been a lawyer for 25 years and I didn't understand any of my clients".
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| From a video by ACE-Aware Scotland |
 | Building youth resilience | Resilience is not just something individual - like perseverance or grit. It is also about navigating resources – both social and non-social – that are available in the wider environment.
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| From an article by Bold |
 | The Resilience Challenge | What information, if it were flowing through the people of your community, would start them on a journey together toward really strong, healthy living? Could your church be instrumental in doing this?
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Your toddler was born to help | Research suggests that all children are naturally helpful, and parents play a crucial role in keeping it this way. The caveat is that it has to be real help, or else it could later backfire. There are lasting benefits.
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| From an article by Bold |
 | The effects of harsh parenting | Research shows that harsh parenting, such as hitting or shouting, may have a damaging effect on children’s behaviour and emotional development. This can lead to a self-perpetuating loop...
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| From an article by Child and Family Blog |
 | A Hidden Sentence | A video created by young people impacted by having a parent in prison. "Police came to the house. My dad was stood with handcuffs. I got put out by mum and went up the street crying."
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| From a video for the charity North East Prison Aft |
 | When grandparents divorce, everyone hurts | “I remembered how things used to be. I will never see them [grandpa and grandma] together again.” “I felt depressed for months after I learned [our grandparents] had divorced. It’s not the same when you see them.”
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| From an article by the Institute of Family Studies |
 | Healing from ACEs: a parent’s story | "I was told my face was not worth looking at, my voice not worth being heard. It was very painful for me to look people in the eye. I was hiding my brokenness because I was afraid to show it to the world..."
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| From a blog by ACEs Aware |
 | The transition to fatherhood | The birth of a child is the birth of a father. The birth of the first child marks the transition. A developmental milestone. A new phase in adult life with unfamiliar tasks and responsibilities. How are men prepared for this?
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| From an article by Child and Family Blog |
 | Zero Gravity | Students selected for their accelerators come from backgrounds and areas where reaching a top university is more of a challenge than an inevitability. According to UCAS, they are twice as likely to achieve top university places.
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| |
 | Discipline mistakes | A series of very short videos talking about discipline mistakes we make regularly and what we can do instead. These ideas come from the book No-Drama Discipline, a NY Times best seller, now translated into 50 languages.
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| From a video by Dr Tina Bryson |
 | ThinkZone | 3-10 year olds enrolled in ThinkZone programs significantly outperformed comparison group by 40%-60% in number recognition and counting, in comparison skills and shape knowledge, in reading and writing, in division skills.
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| From ThinkZone India |
 | Breaking the cycle of generational trauma | Have you heard the saying, "Hurt people hurt people"? Instead of passing down hurt, we need to pass down healing by recognising symptoms of trauma, building resilience and restoring the brain and body. Details..
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| From a TEDx talk by Dr Candice Jones |
 | Overcoming generational poverty | Ruth Beltran was at the end of herself. After leaving an abusive relationship, a single mother of six struggling to make ends meet. She was living in a car with her children. Then she met the Salvation Army and all changed.
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| From an article and video by the Salvation Army |
 | Belonging | The need to belong is a fundamental and human motivation. And that means we will find somewhere to belong to regardless of whether it's healthy, regardless of whether it's safe. Regardless of anything, we'll find somewhere to belong to.
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| From a talk by Lisa Cherry |
 | White mailboxes | Primary school children can write about anything that weighs on them. The letters are read every day and a professional team of psychologists, doctors, educators and law enforcement then confidentially work to find solutions.
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| From an article by Reasons to be Cheerful |
 | An online parenting program for divorced parents | Most divorced or separated parents ask themselves, “What can I do to protect my children from the problems that often follow divorce?” An online parenting-after-divorce programme backed by research..
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| From an article by Child and Family blog |
 | ACEs reduction is a community initiative | Resilience is the responsibility of not just one sector, but all sectors. Could every sector share the information on ACEs, brain development, and resilience as a platform on which to build particular strengths, skills, and capacities?
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| From an interview by Community Resilience Initiati |
 | The expectation of fatherhood as a vocation | Without an involved father, the family cannot approach the perfection of which it is capable. We must do everything in our power to recapture, reignite, and recommit to the expectation of fatherhood as a vocation, a calling in life.
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| From an article by the Institute of Family Studies |
 | What happens when a school bans cell phones? | Kids have learned to talk to each other again instead of texting. Engagement in class has improved markedly. Kids appreciate the peace and quiet, mental calm from not constantly responding to social media.
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| From an article by the Wall Street Journal |
 | Preparing young people for the world of work | Many think they did not receive enough support in education to prepare for careers. Many dissatisfied with current job, career progression due to poor-quality management and lack of training holding them back.
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| From a report by the Chartered Institute of Person |
 | Trauma-informed communications skills | People who have multiple and complex needs can be difficult. How can we respond in an informed, compassionate way through our spoken language, our body language, our approach and way of connecting with people?
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Cooking lessons as youthwork? | 'Chopped Jr' consists of physical activity, cooking, measuring, kitchen equipment, reading recipes, budgeting, cooking techniques. It ends with a competition where the chefs make a meal for the judges.
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| From Salvation Army's Caring Magazine |
 | 10 tips for sexual abuse prevention | Info that helps caregivers feel empowered. Specific strategies for how to talk with children about this difficult topic, how to respond if abuse is suspected. Identify misinformation that puts children at greater risk.
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| From a podcast by Meghan Backofen |
 | Effects of grandparents' involvement | About half of grandparents, in U.S. and Europe, provide some kind of childcare to their grandchildren. How does grandparents' involvement affect their own lives, their children, their grandchildren? 5 observations...
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| From an article by the Institute of Family Studies |
 | Insight into trauma-informed education settings | Six core principles that value and nurture transformative relationships with young people without re-traumatising. For a school program to be effective, it must include four R’s and embed principles across school..
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| From a report by West Yorkshire Health and Care Pa |
 | Nurturing the future: investing in early childhood development | Studies have shown that healthy brain development during early childhood increases the likelihood of success later in life. By providing supportive, nurturing environments where children feel protected and learn social emotional skills...
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| From a video by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation |
 | Baby Buddy app | "I find the information really helpful.. It teaches you all about your baby, how to communicate with the baby and their development. This is important as you can build a better relationship with your baby."
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| From an article from Best Beginnings |
 | An effective way to reduce violent crimes? | Evidence that offering at-risk men behavioral therapy plus opportunities to earn a living greatly reduces the future risk of crime and violence, even 10 years after the intervention.
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| From an article on Vox |
 | Forgiveness versus revenge | ..as responses to victimization. Compared with revenge, forgiveness was more effective at restoring sense of humanity - less self-harm, greater sense of belonging and greater importance of moral identity.
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| From an article by Greater Good Magazine |
 | Pop-up pods help to tackle homelessness | Each ‘pod’ provides a bed, chemical toilet, charging facilities. Aimed at helping people sleeping on the streets who have complex needs so may struggle in hostel style accommodation. Have made a real difference.
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| From an article by Salvation Army |
 | Step Inside the Circle | "In prison, you're not supposed to show your weaknesses. But to take each step forward in the circle was a reminder to ourselves that we still have humanity and we want to be loved. Most people on the outside don't understand it."
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| From Compassion Prison Project |
 | Mental health - see the person, not the problem | "I think the key question is: How can we (the Body of Jesus), enable this person, a disciple of Jesus, going through difficult times, to find and hold on to their vocation even in the midst of the storms?"
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| From an article in The Plough |
 | How migration has shaped who we are | The Migration Museum explores how movement of people to/from Britain has shaped identity–as individuals, communities, a nation. New Exhibition shines light on role migrant entrepreneurs have played in shaping our lives.
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| From information from the Migration Museum |
 | Family structure and stability matter for children | The future of a country rests partly on preparing next gen to live + lead. Research shows kids flourish if they have; 2 parents committed to each other; stable home life; economic resources; are welcomed.
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| From a report by AEI and Brookings Institute |
 | The solace of ‘At Least’ and the sting of ‘If Only’ | Thoughts about the past that make us feel better are relatively rare, while thoughts that make us feel worse are exceedingly common. By making us feel worse today, regret helps us do better tomorrow.
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| From an article by Behavioral Scientist |
 | Talking to our young people about war | "This war is not hitting them as the first challenge given the pandemic. My children's concept of the world now is that it's a scary, unpredictable, risk-filled place and their future is uncertain.." How to help..
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| From a webinar by Kintsugi Hope |
 | Preventing abuse through creative projects | Theatre-based education to learn about building healthy relationships, preventing children becoming victims or perpetrators of abuse and equipping them to have relationships based on equality and respect.
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| From a report by Tender |
 | How do young people see the world differently? | The Changing Childhood Project was created to better understand what it means to be a child in the 21st century. What is it like growing up today? And how do young people see the world differently? Answers...
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| From a report by UNICEF |
 | Teaching children about early child development | A pilot in 21 secondary schools with 3700 pupils aiming to embed the key principles of early child development and neuroscience. The results have the potential to improve outcomes for future generations.
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| From a project by the Department of Psychiatry, Un |
 | A bipolar journey | A story of living with bipolar disorder. Of diagnosis, hospitalization, and a recovery journey, which includes forms of self-care, reliance on community, prescriptions, counselling and spiritual direction, being active and having hope.
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| From a blog by Sanctuary Mental Health |
 | We can prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) | When communities come together, they can do so much to prevent ACEs. Prevention cannot be left solely to government agencies. We can all help in implementing 5 strategies to create safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for all children.
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| From a video by Centers for Disease Control and Pr |
 | La La Land Kind Café | Care leavers find it hard to get or maintain jobs. No income leads to homelessness, hunger, and decisions they shouldn’t have to make. One business trying to make a difference has a mission to make the world a kinder place.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Smart videos for curious minds | An award-winning collection of 5,000+ child-friendly videos, curated for teachers and parents who want to share smarter, more meaningful media in the classroom and at home. And it’s free and available for everyone.
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| From The Kids Should See This |
 | Nurturing curiosity and invention | Virtually everyone begins life with building blocks to construct new ideas. But by 5, only some are still on a path to become adept at such thinking, while most leave it farther behind. But such a fate is not inevitable.
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| From a blog by Child and Family Blog |
 | ACEs Infographic | An infographic produced by the US Gov. but a lot holds true for the UK, allowing for a smaller population. It gives a picture of the problems and potential actions for prevention, which are fairly universal. Food for thought...
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| From an infographic by the US Government's Center' |
 | The story of Malory Ruesch | Raised by a single, alcoholic mother, the youngest of five children, she spent much of her early years alone. Turning to drugs to numb the pain, she spiralled out of control. And then Chuck came along..
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| From an article on Paces Connection |
 | Why sharing stories of the pandemic is good for us | We have been experiencing so much anxiety about the pandemic. Should parents try to “shield” their children from this stress and simply not talk about pandemic worry? The answer is absolutely not.
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| From an article by Psychology Today |
 | Healing the hidden wounds from childhood | Dr. Edith Eva Eger, who in her 90s is still a practicing psychologist, is a Holocaust survivor. She recounts her her childhood adversities and shares life lessons and advice that can help us all.
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| From an article by Psychology Today |
 | Social Emotional Learning | The process through which we understand + manage emotions, set + achieve positive goals, feel + show empathy for others, establish + maintain positive relationships, make responsible decisions Strong uptrend in positive outcomes.
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| From material on Hope Rising |
 | Kenny - a story of trauma | All it takes is an alignment of circumstances, events which hit in violent succession, and then suddenly it’s your children in care, marked with a stigma that can seem indelible.
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| From a report by The Centre for Social Justice |
 | Play has the potential to reduce inequality | 26 studies of play in 18 countries found in disadvantaged areas, kids showed greater learning gains in literacy, motor and social-emotional skills in centres with a mix of instruction, free and guided play.
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| From an article by the Hechinger Report |
 | Relational poverty | If you have adversity but also connections to family, community and culture, which are resilience building factors, you're not at any increased risk for bad outcomes. But adversity and poor connections equals significant risk increase.
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| From an interview with Dr Bruce Perry |
 | Breaking The Cycle, reclaiming our humanity | “Many people believe that humans have made great progress and there is no other option than this dehumanizing, anti-life, planet-destroying culture. In a short film, Breaking the Cycle, other options are shown."
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| From a film Breaking the Cycle |
 | Should doctors prescribe kindness? | A doctors' practice has developed a parenting programme of events, lessons, and tools promoting kindness. Practicing kindness and purpose benefits children and helps kids care for others and flourish themselves.
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| From an article by Greater Good Science Center |
 | The mental health benefits of prayer | Prayer plays a significant role in helping those who have experienced trauma and live with mental health consequences. It is a vital way many people use to cope with everyday life and trauma history.
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| From an article by the CPTSD Foundation |
 | Being a fair parent increases your authority | If your child thinks you are fair, they obey you as they see you as legitimate authority. Harsh disciplinary strategies backfire. Instead of eliciting a healthy fear, they undermine parental legitimacy.
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| From an article by Child and Family Blog |
 | The vulnerability problem of the bully | Bullies lack ability to care because to care sets them up to get hurt too much - they are wounded individuals and have hardened hearts. How do we restore emotional norms?
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| From research by The Neufeld Institute |
 | No Crying at the Dinner Table | A film that highlights the common stigma in families against expressing emotional vulnerability. It presents a portrait of intergenerational trauma, grief, and secrets about things left unsaid.
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| From a video by Carol Nguyen |
 | The 5 side-effects of compassion | Compassion affects the brain, cardiovascular health, slows ageing, increases emotional connections and motivates kindness.
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| From an article by Dr David Hamilton |
 | Understanding and responding to grief | How can you help someone grieving a loss? Grief may feel like a rogue wave that rises from one day, or even one moment, to the next, but you can help others ride out the wave and sail to a calmer sea.
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| From an article by The Gottman Institute |
 | Whole people - healing communities | Trauma interrupts normal child development and exacts deep costs, to both the individual and the community. Here is a story of one neighbourhood working to change its destiny..
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| From a video on PBS |
 | Launch of screening for children and adults for trauma | Early identification of trauma and providing the appropriate treatment are critical tools for reducing long-term health care costs for both children and adults. Should the NHS introduce screening?
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| From an article by Center for Youth Wellness, Cali |
 | Imagine your community as a human library | What would it look like if every community member saw themselves as an educator or mentor? Each of us has unique stories, skills, passions and experiences. When we share these gifts with each other..
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| From articles by CommunityShare |
 | Youth STEM Matters | Glasgow based social enterprise, YouthSTEM2030, is determined to empower young people around the world to use science, technology, engineering and maths to change the world through progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
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| From YouthSTEM2030 |
 | Nails | A person who speaks words that build up and encourage is a tree of life, but a person who speaks words that overwhelm and depress crushes the spirit. In other words, kind words heal and help; cutting words wound and maim. Prov 15v4 MSG
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| From a track by Z317 Music |
 | How to respect my ethnic name | Things you should never say. Equally inappropriate actions. How to help. "I'm very proud of my name. It represents identity, my parents history and my culture."
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| From an article by Anparasan Sivakumaran |
 | Geek Challenge | Yarl IT Hub is a non-profit in Sri Lanka created to improve education, employment + entrepreneurship in community. Two competitions; YGC Senior - an entrepreneurship competition open to all youth, YGC Junior for junior students in schools.
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| From an article by Center on Business and Poverty |
 | The Skill Mill | Working with young offenders, changing their identity from one of offender to an employee with legitimate income, self-respect and a desire to change their behaviour and contribute positively to society and the economy.
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| From an article by The Skill Mill |
 | Managing ‘back to school’ anxieties | Children will be returning to their classrooms and there will be a vast range of emotions that come as a result, from both children and parents. A few principles that might help...
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| From an article by Care for the Family |
 | Why 10 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)? | The ACE Study revealed certain things we've been taught not to see, speak about, ask questions about. When these are explored, one finds high prevalence, relationships to major public health problems and to life expectancy.
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| From a blog by ACEs Connection |
 | Family matters for student performance | Student performance cannot be understood apart from family dynamics. What should our communities and larger society be doing to help ensure that future generations of children have a stable, supportive, family life?
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| From an article from the Institute for Family Stud |
 | Turning on the subtitles improves literacy | In a longitudinal study of continuous caption use at home, children who viewed with captions scored significantly higher in tests of word identification + passage comprehension compared with non-caption viewers
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| From an article by Turn On the Subtitles |
 | ACEs e-learning | A number of free, government funded, online courses which take under 1 hour to help you and contacts in the community find out more about Adverse Childhood Experiences - stressful events occurring in childhood which raise risk of poor life outcomes.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Is there a case for student mental health days? | Allow students to take mental health days off from school the same way you would a physical health day. Keeping track of these catch those struggling before it's too late. Saves lives.
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| From a TEDx talk by Hailey Hardcastle |
 | Deeper Learning | An education philosophy that says students learn best with real work that resembles what they will likely encounter outside of school. An alternative to presenting students with atomized, decontextualized pieces of a subject.
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| From an article by LA School Report |
 | Strong families - flourishing children | Children living in families with higher levels of resilience and connection are much more likely to flourish. This is true across all levels of income, health status and exposure to adverse childhood experiences.
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| From an article by The Sector (Early Education) |
 | Why your child is acting differently right now | As the threat of Covid-19 disrupts school, daycare and other activities for children, some parents are noticing changes in behaviour in their children as try to deal with stress and anxiety.
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| From an article by Today.com |
 | Roots of youth anxiety | Today youth must define themselves and the shape of their lives by referencing their own preferences, desires, and choices. This creates a powerful and relentless type of ethical responsibility for their own well-being.
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| From an article by the Institute of Family Studies |
 | Space to Breathe - wellbeing for staff | “Soulful Wellbeing for School Staff” days take teachers out of the classroom for the day and give them tools for self-care and to establish healthy habits around wellbeing. Measured impact high.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Hair Love | An Oscar-winning animated short film tells the heartfelt story of an African-American father learning to do his daughter’s hair for the first time.
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| A video from Sony |
 | Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) | Adults who report more positive childhood experiences (PCEs) are less likely to suffer from depression or poor mental health – and are more likely to have healthy relationships.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Upshift | A UNICEF innovation programme, now in 22 countries, impacting the lives of hundreds of thousands of young people. A local initiative for self-starting groups of 13-18s to come forward with ideas to address social problems within their community.
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| From a video by UNICEF |
 | Common Good Schools Programme | Unique 10-week programme enables young people to put the principles of Common Good thinking into practice-respecting the dignity of each human being, contributing to positive social relationships, demonstrating stewardship and valuing community.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Early enterprise education | The UK currently lags behind when it comes to youth enterprise education. The consequence of this is that we risk dampening the country’s future economic prosperity. Some programmes tailored to young people.
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| From a report by Gem Consortium |
 | Reimagining Education Together | If we are to truly prepare young people for life, work and citizenship in the modern world, we need both a broader view of success and a broader view of the learning ecosystem.
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| From a report by Big Change |
 | Moving to opportunity? | Does moving to housing in low-poverty areas increase life chances? Breaking up pockets of poverty by using benefits to encourage low-income families to move to "high opportunity" neighbourhoods?
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| From an article on NPR |
 | No Isolation robot | Enables children with long-term illness to virtually attend school, socialise with classmates and remain connected. It becomes their eyes, ears and voice in the classroom.
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| From an article by Noisolation |
 | Preparing for a transition | How do we help our children with change, whether that's leaving home, a new school, new house or new member of the family? Growing up inevitably involves change but sometimes we don't find it easy to manage.
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| From an article by Parenting for Faith |
 | Story of a trauma-informed school | Children are coming to school already in a state of anxiety and they do not need anyone adding to that anxiety. We're not punishing children because they are behaving badly, we're trying to understand what has happened to them.
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| From a video by ACE-Aware Scotland |
 | Two-by-Ten strategy | For 2 mins each day, 10 days in a row, teachers have a personal conversation with a disruptive student about anything the student is interested in. Resulted in 85-percent improvement in student's behaviour and in all the other students' behaviour.
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| From an article by ASCD |
 | The lasting effects of childhood trauma | Have you ever met a person who woke up one morning and says, "My ambition is to become an addict." When people are in tremendous pain, their range of choices is limited and not only that their brains are affected by those early experiences.
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| From an interview on STV |
 | The positive effects of expressive writing | Expressive writing or journaling has a healing quality, encouraging writers to process and find meaning from a difficult life circumstance, to let it go, and to create a new story for their lives.
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| From The Imagine Project |
 | Can being in nature speed up healing? | At Oslo University Hospital, sick kids aren’t confined to bed. They fish, chop wood, shoot arrows and paint pictures, all in a woodland cabin 650 feet from the building.
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| From various articles |
 | Identity | Dwyane Wade is a US, 13-time All-Star basketball player who has just retired. His success belies his upbringing. To celebrate his final season, he has been swapping jerseys with NBA legends. Before he said goodbye, he was presented with 5 more.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Little forest folk | Spending time in nature allows for a deep connection to the natural world and exposure to a learning environment full of imagination, challenge, inspiration, awe and wonder. Why and how to use forests instead of classrooms for learning environments.
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| From a video on TED-Ed |
 | First Star Academy | Placing young people who are in care into academies on university campuses to support, inspire and belong. The results are startling – over 90% who attend in the USA go on to study at university versus national average of 3%.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Realising the potential of early intervention | Early intervention is as pertinent to societal concerns today as it ever was. A report by the Early Intervention Foundation gives some insights into the latest state of play.
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| From a report by Early Intervention Foundation |
 | One school’s story of building resilience | Steps that staff have been taking as they work to put relationships and well-being at the heart of every single learning opportunity they offer to the 500 children in their care.
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| From a video by ACE-Aware Scotland |
 | Refugee football | Each week on a Thursday night 7-8pm at a local Leisure Centre, Emmanuel Church volunteers gather up to 25 teenagers from almost as many different countries to play football.
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| From an article by Emmanuel Church Oxford |
 | The Heckman Equation | Early nurturing, learning experiences and physical health from ages 0-5 greatly impact success or failure in society. The best time to develop skills, social abilities is in the very early years when developmental support is most effective.
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| From research by Professor James Heckman |
 | Teenage mental health and family life | It should be fairly self-evident that the main way we cope with life depends in large part on the security we get from what is going on at home. Research shows two key factors..
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| From an article by the Marriage Foundation |
 | 'Just Breathe' | A film made after a 5-year-old talked with his friend about learning how emotions affect different parts of the brain, and how to calm down by taking deep breaths.
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| From a video by Wavecrest Films |
 | Raising aspirations | Why are positive role models considered powerful? An experiment in Uganda goes some way towards answering this question.
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| From an article by the World Bank |
 | Micro-society schools | With MicroSociety, school is society, a thriving, modern-day, mini-metropolis—complete with a government centre, entrepreneurial hub, non-profit organizations, consumer marketplace and community gathering spaces.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Stories of resilience | Over the past 18 months, some charities in Scotland working in partnership with churches have been running a remarkable campaign to help make Scotland the first Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Aware nation in the world.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Breaking the silence on child abuse | Nobody really knows how many adults were abused as children, either sexually, physically or emotionally. The devastating long-term impact of child abuse is only beginning to be widely understood.
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| From a guest blog by Tony Thompson |
 | Are you a gardener or a carpenter? | Caring deeply about our children is part of what makes us human. Do we shape them like a carpenter or create a protected and nurturing space for them to flourish as in a garden?
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| From a book review of The Gardener and the Carpent |
 | How to be a resilient parent | Numerous researchers have concluded that how parents respond to stressors is much more important than the stressor itself in determining the outcomes for themselves and their children.
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| From a study by Center of the Study of Social Poli |
 | Six things about resilience and wellbeing | Lessons learned in improving resilience and emotional wellbeing in answer to the question, "Could life be more than just a struggle to keep my head above water?".
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| From a blog by Mind and Soul Foundation |
 | Fostering empathy in children | It’s easy to ask children of any age to apologise, and preparing children to understand why apologies matter is a crucial part of their development.
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| From a blog by Famly |
 | No Questions Asked | Youthscape study discovers a profound lack of questioning around God, faith and religion among the young people they spoke to.
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| From a report by Youthscape |
 | Spear | The Spear programme helps 16-24-year-olds,who are not in education, employment or training, into work or training in partnership with employers.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | The effect of a dog in school | A comfort dog is a counselling support. They possess the two most important qualities of an effective social worker or counsellor--unconditional acceptance and warmth.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Community mothers | How do you reach migrant families that stretched social services do not have time to relate to? Berlin trains unemployed mothers that are long-established in Germany but are themselves from immigrant backgrounds.
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| From a blog by Apolitical |
 | Relationship red flags | Six warning signs that indicate a relationship is in trouble and that are particularly important to root out before they do permanent damage.
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| From a blog by The Institute of Family Studies |
 | 2018 Modern Families Index | A significant proportion of UK’s working parents are struggling to cope with long work hours – and stalling and downshifting their careers for family life.
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| From a report by Working Families and Bright Horiz |
 | Bullying insights | Early childhood settings provide an opportunity for educators to effectively prevent and stop the emergence of bullying behaviour and to foster the development of positive social interactions.
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| From a report by PromotePrevent |
 | Reasons to prioritise Early Years | Early Years development is at the heart of social mobility. The reasons underscore the importance of focusing on ideas and interventions that can impact child outcomes as soon as possible.
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| From a blog by Nesta |
 | Window of tolerance | An insightful video by Beacon House which explains how a child with many adverse childhood experiences swings from fight/flight to freeze/collapse; and what adults can do to help
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| A video from Beacon House |
 | Can kindness be taught? | Teaching kindness really does make a difference. Better behaviour, discipline rates down, inclusiveness up, grades up, student conflicts down, teacher-student relationship stronger.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Alike | The example we set for our children - how we choose to lead our lives - is much, much more important than what we say.
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| From a video by Daniel Lara and Rafa Mendes |
 | What makes families resilient? | Children who know a lot about their family tend to be more resilient and therefore have better chances for good outcomes when faced with challenges.
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| From research by Dr Marshall Duke |
 | Teachers - born to make a difference | Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.
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| From a Tedx talk by Rita Pearson |
 | Bullying Junior | Each year approximately 30% of students worldwide are the target of bullying. Lives are lost or forever changed. How can we challenge such behaviour?
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| From material by No Bully |
 | Far beyond the waves | Charlotte and Gavin wait in hope to be parents, but are also aware that it might not happen. They trust God regardless of their disappointments.
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| From a video by CV |
 | A Therapeutic Treasure Box | A book packed with tools, methods and suggestions that will be indispensable to therapists, parents and anyone working with traumatised kids.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Reimagining senior school | In the USA, 13 schools in 11 cities are exploring new, innovative ways to engage students and prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Voice for the voiceless | What you won’t find in the news each day
Is that five hundred babies were aborted in the UK
Their silence in death matches our silence in life
An inconvenience kept out of sight
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Gen Z: Rethinking Culture | Research on youth culture to help to understand how to connect effectively with today’s young people and share the good news of Jesus.
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| From research by Youth for Christ |
 | Ollie's story | 200,000 children are affected by parental imprisonment each year. Here is the story of one of them.
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| From a video by PACT |
 | Safe Families for Children | Helps stop children being taken into care. Instead they are placed temporarily with volunteer Host Families, mostly from churches.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Let's Talk | Short videos and education packs that encourage conversations about key mental health topics.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | The Beginning of Life | This beautiful film, supported by UNICEF, explores the impact of a child’s early environment on their cognitive, social and emotional development.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Circle of Security | An early intervention programme about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | A Parent’s Guide to Self-harm | Selfharm UK have published 'A Parent’s Guide to Self-harm' and an article 'Ten Top Tips for Parents of Children who Self-Harm'.
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| From an article by Selfharm UK |
 | Encouraging creativity | Creativity is very relevant to the way people work and also discovering who you are - what interests you and what could be your vocation.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | The things I would tell myself before I had children | Emi Watson is a mum of two and a Digital Advertising Sales Manager. In this extract from her blog on the Mental Health Foundation website, she reflects on the changes she has experienced since becoming a mum.
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| From the Mental Health Foundation |
 | The 'Missing' First Year? | While parents have a general understanding that what happens in a child’s early years can last a lifetime, many don’t realize at what age babies and toddlers can begin to feel complex emotions.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | 10 tips for building resilience in children and teens | Building resilience — the ability to adapt well to adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or even significant sources of stress — can help our children manage stress and feelings of anxiety and uncertainty.
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| From a guide by the American Psychological Associa |
 | EasyPeasy - learning through play, every day | Nearly half of children arrive at school ‘not ready to learn’. EasyPeasy is an app for parents to use that supports learning through play at home and shows significant improvement in school readiness skills.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | £17bn per year - the cost of late intervention | Results of research of the costs of ‘late intervention’: the acute, statutory and essential benefits and services that are required when children and young people experience significant but preventable difficulties in life.
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| From a report by EI Foundation |
 | Adverse Childhood Experiences - a doctor's story | Gabor Maté has worked worked in a palliative care and in an area challenged by hard core addiction, mental illness, HIV and related conditions. He talks about the importance of early years' development.
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| From a talk by Gabor Maté |
 | The Village | This is the story of a remarkable village in Luquan, Kunming which has taken 166 special needs children from the Kunming orphanage into their families. A picture of God adopting us.
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| From a video by Care for Children |
 | What to expect, when? | A simple guide which takes parents of 0-5 year olds through the expectations of each age band and how they can support their children’s learning and development.
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| A publication of 4Children |
 | Four Styles of Parenting | Developmental psychologists have identified four parenting styles and all have different impacts on children; Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, Uninvolved. What is impact on children?
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| From an article by Kendra Cherry |
 | How a community becomes trauma-informed | A few weeks back, I wrote about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the effect they have on adult health including mental illness, doing time in prison, and work issues, such as absenteeism.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Why mindset matters | A fixed mindset believes intelligence is static which leads to children not achieving their potential. A growth mindset on the other hand believes that intelligence can be developed and leads to higher levels of achievement.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Private schools helping primaries in deprived areas | In Silicon Valley, California, there is a very high achieving set of schools – Valley Christian Schools. They have linked with a primary school in a local area where there are lots of social issues. The results in this primary school have risen
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Where is the village? | It is said that it takes a village to raise a child, but where is that village today? Bill Milliken, now 75, reflects on lessons he has learnt from helping troubled students in the USA stay in school, graduate, and succeed in life.
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| From a talk by Bill Milliken, co-founder Communiti |
 | Three resources for parents of toddlers | Free downloadable resources for you to give away in your community to parents of 1-5's and advertise your parent and toddler group based on resources of SKIP, a community campaign in New Zealand.
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| Geoff Knott |
 | The marriage gap between rich and poor parents | The Marriage Foundation has found that a marriage gap between rich and poor parents exists throughout Europe, contrasting marriage rates between top and bottom income quintiles.
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| From a briefing paper by The Marriage Foundation |
 | Key factor that predicts community involvement | A study in 2013 found that attending cultural or sports events was the largest predictor of civic engagement. Young people who said they went "often" to theatre, ballet, classical concerts, museums, galleries or sports events
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Resources for youth mental health | "Some people with mental health problems today are almost guaranteed to live a life in poverty. And the number of people who suffer from poor mental health is larger than you might think."
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Help children by helping their parents | In 1986, in a few of the poorest neighborhoods in Kingston, Jamaica, researchers held an experiment that has done a great deal to change our thinking about how to help children succeed. Its message: Help children by supporting and coaching their parents.
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| From an essay by Paul Tough, author |
 | Too many children in care ending up behind bars | An independent review, established by Prison Reform Trust. Around half of the 1,000 children currently in custody in England and Wales have experience of the care system. This is despite fewer than 1% of all children in England
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| An independent review Prison Reform Trust |
 | 6 resources to help with education | When the Life Chances initiative was launched in January 2016 to help the poorest children in the country, one of the 4 areas of focus was education. Many churches are already involved in giving assemblies, etc., but what might be extensions
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| Geoff Knott |
 | Lifesavers - financial education and savings clubs | The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Task Group and pfeg, the Personal Finance Education Group are rolling out LifeSavers, a national financial education programme for primary schools. Could you register a primary school you are involved with?
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| Geoff Knott |