What to say to parents of a child with cancer
From an article by Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group CCLG
It can be hard to know what to say, what to do or how to be a friend if a family you know has been affected by childhood cancer.
People worry about saying the wrong thing or coming across as interfering, but friends and family can play a key role in coping with this devastating diagnosis.
CCLG recently surveyed parents of childhood cancer patients and many reported feeling isolated, scared and anxious during their childhood cancer journey. One parent said “People only spoke to me to find out what was wrong with my child and when everyone found out they didn't want to speak to me anymore” and over 96% said they felt isolated from their social group.
CCLG want to enable everyone to #BeAChildCancerFriend with tips on what to say to avoid difficult social situations and how to practically help the people close to you.
Watch this 2 minute video:
There was reaction to this on twitter from those in this situation re don't say 'we'll pray for you'. They welcomed prayer..
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From an article by Children's Cancer and Leukaemia, 09/10/2018