information for transformational people

wellbeing 3 246The Wellbeing Journey 

The Wellbeing Journey is a video/discussion series to help churches and communities address key challenges in these times. Local churches are in a unique place to lead communities on this holistic journey to improved physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

This 8-part video journey is based around seven key areas of wellbeing – the wellbeing mindset, physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, financial and vocational – to help you discover how to run on a full tank.  Each film is 20 minutes long.

You will make the most of The Wellbeing Journey if you travel with others. Get a group together in your gym, sports club, church, school, college or community centre and start the journey together. In your small group, discuss what you are learning and apply it to your own life.

All notes are provided for guests' use and there is a leaders guide to help you through your journey.

Phil Knox of the Evangelical Alliance has tweeted about his experience of the course: 
"We've been running The Wellbeing Journey at church this term as an evangelistic course.  It's been amazing.  Here's a couple of reasons I think it's worked:

  1. 'Do you want to come and explore wellbeing?' is a much easier invite than, 'Do you want to explore the meaning of life?'  I love Alpha, but this question has meant more invites from Christians and more guests.  We had 52 on the first night. 
  2. Most people are not well.  The course meets such a deep human need that is particularly acute at the moment.  In my small group of six unchurched people anxiety and depression were cited from night 1.  Three had lost family members in the last 6 months.

"The course does not shy away from the idea of placing God at the centre of your wellbeing from the start and good news is communicated throughout, peaking in the session on Spiritual Wellbeing.  We had several not-yet Christians open their hearts to God's love in this session.

"As ever, the real magic is food, friendship and community.  Getting people together to talk about the real things of life, their hopes, fears and challenges over pasta bake and coffee is where the transformative conversations and prayers take place for so many."

There is also a Youth Wellbeing Journey and Schools Wellbeing Journey by young people for young people, to run in tandem with the adult video series or stand alone. This is filmed from the perspective of young people going on their own journey to discover more of God’s plan for their wellbeing.

Here's a 30 second promo:

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Geoff Knott, 21/05/2024

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