information for transformational people

Weakness 246Weakness is an invitation to connect with God

From a blog by Heaven In Business

We are told that success is the thing to pursue and woe betide if you should show weakness along the way. Yet God says, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT

Lisa van den Berg, Director of Heaven in Business Online, went to lunch with a lady who wanted to know how the two organizations they represent could connect and collaborate. She writes:

The lady was telling me about all the amazing things her group does, and it was truly impressive. I felt the drive to tell her about all the life-changing things that we do too. Isn’t this the way it usually goes? We tell each other about how wonderful we are and then begin to compare ourselves. I could see areas where they could help us and areas where we could help them. But, as I became aware of the pressure to show our success and not our weakness, I asked the Lord what was really going on.

The answer I got was that this conversation was about remembering how loved we are. This was an opportunity for my weakness in navigating how to deal with the pressure to perform that was building inside me, to be a point of connection with God’s strength instead. He brought a memory to my mind of a similar situation where I felt the strain of ‘performance’ and I shared it with her.

I told her that when I coach people, I simply look at them and ask God how much He loves them. I ask Him what He wants to say to them and what they need in this moment. As I described this to her, I could feel the love of God flooding our table. I began to weep as I was reminded of how much more God loves us than we will ever know. I told her of times that I have quietly got up and left a coachee sitting at the table to continue experiencing the Presence of God. It is so evident when He is doing something beautiful in them, and I am so in awe of Him, that I want to leave them wrapped in what He is doing.

As we spoke, tears rolled down her cheeks as she was feeling the Presence of God and realizing how loved she is. He was inviting her and I to go beyond the ’success stories’ and accept the opportunity to partner with Him in our weakness. His invitation is for us to connect with Him – for the sake of our communities.

Despite all of my experience and expertise, I am not able to help people get the kind of breakthrough they do when I invite God to coach with me. His strength helping me to be free of the need to ‘perform’ in my own strength.

Thus, the Truth emerges. In the Kingdom, weakness is not something to be fixed, it is an invitation to connection with God. As a result both we, and the world that we get to influence, are deeply blessed.

Read the full article here.

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From a blog by Heaven In Business, 05/08/2020

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