Beneath the Ink
From a video by GQ videos
In Zanesville, Ohio, USA, tattoo artist Billy Joe White has started a crusade to "erase the hate" and has offered to cover up swastikas, Nazi images, and other hate-filled ink for free. He's been very busy.
The area in South Eastern Ohio is an area of poverty with many people struggling every day. Factories and houses are being torn down and people have become bitter. They blame others and that is reflected in hate messages in the tattoos that they have had.
Billy says, "We're living in the most toxic time I've ever lived in. Society's belief systems are seemingly changing. We're reverting back into a time that I thought we had moved past. So I'm thinking to myself, 'These people are often willing to kill for their hate.'. I couldn't stand back anymore and thought what can I do?"
So he's started changing lives by covering up offensive and life limiting tattoos with beautiful ones.
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From a video by GQ Video, 15/01/2020