information for transformational people

inequality 2 246Is Britain a fair country?

From a video by High Pay Centre

Wealth inequality has been rising rapidly in Britain for the past 30 years. The gap between rich and poor has widened. If the growth in inequality continues at its current rate, we are heading towards Victorian extremes in the next 20 years.

This brings undesirable outcomes for everyone - from the absence of social mobility to a division in society so large that rich and poor appear to inhabit different planets.

Is the public aware of the extent of this growth in inequality? What were the answers when they were asked to assess how wealth is distributed in the UK? Do we think we live in a fairer society than is the reality?

Here is a 3 minute video about the public awareness of wealth distribution:

Inequality has been rising across the OECD in the past 20 years. The UK has the fourth highest level of inequality in the OECD after Mexico, the US and Israel. It is going up quickest in some countries that have traditionally been the most equal such as the Nordic countries and Germany. But in these countries it is rising from a low base and has yet to catch up with levels seen in the UK and US.

Read the full article here.

This is not just for a Government to solve. Businesses, public services and charities all need to address inequality. See BalanceItUp and The CEO who cut his pay.

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From a video by High Pay Centre, 31/03/2020

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