information for transformational people

everything 246Everything course

From an article by Everything Conference

A 7 week course exploring how to play your part in the renewal of culture

As followers of Jesus, we are called to seek the renewal of our world. Whether that’s in our families, communities, work or places of study, we believe it’s part of our call to both pray for our world, and to shape our culture for the common good.

But how do we go about it?

This small group course is designed to give us both the biblical foundation and practical application for how we can all play our part in the renewal of culture.

The Everything Course explores the theme of cultural renewal, with a different focus each week. This Leaders’ guide is designed to help you run the course in a small group, and includes all the resources you will need to run each session. 

Each week consists of four main parts:

  • Talk - a video of a talk which outlines the theme of the session.
  • Discussion - questions about what you’ve heard.
  • In Practice - a video from someone giving a practical example of how they are living out the principles featured in the session.
  • Prayer

Sessions are as follows:

  1. The Story of Everything
  2. A Flourishing World
  3. The Call to Culture Making
  4. Characteristics of Culture Renewal
  5. Communities that change the world
  6. Preparing for Cultural Renewal
  7. How to start: Use what you have

More details here.

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From an article by Everything Conference, 20/10/2020

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