Redemptive entrepreneurship
From a video of the Un-Famous Collaborative Conference
Redemptive entrepreneurship is really a way to connect the community with people in the church, to be able to share our gospel message in a better way and more effective way by doing good in the world.
"The church is the place where we talk about the future. We talk about the future coming of Christ. We talk about all kinds of stuff but do we talk about the future of vocation? If we're pursuing Shalom, we've got to find a place to start talking about vocation. Jesus and the disciples had a very large vision for the kingdom and what that would look like. In the four walls of the church, we've made that much smaller." Romanita Hairston-Overstreet
Redemptive entrepreneurship is making the best use of the people in the places where God is already at work. Businesses and creative projects, in a sustainable way, are addressing some of the toughest problems that we deal with. People in the pews are actually out there in our towns and cities and doing amazing work.
"It has changed my view of church in that it's a new framework for church to think about. What is its identity in our society today? What's the role of church? What's the purpose of church? What's the relevance of church? What can it be? What should it be? What can it reclaim to be?" Kim Jones
The idea is that the church [the people] can create new business models to affect communities and can also invest in transformative ways.
"As an entrepreneur myself, I'm in the marketplace six days and in church [building] one day a week. It makes more sense to utilize those six days in the marketplace." Kevin Shirley
Jesus followers are embodied and embedded in a neighbourhood. They are forced to see both the opportunities and needs in that place and we need to really unleash a new way for people to put their faith into action. A new way to find calling and make a difference.
"I would argue that the core responsibility of us as congregational leaders is to recognize the way in which God is speaking to our people to help them steward their vocational power to love their neighbours to life." Geoffrey Hsu
Redemptive entrepreneurship has changed many because when people can see that something is actually possible, that it's not merely an idea but they can actually touch a successful enterprise that's redemptive, then that actually spurs their imagination.
Redemptive entrepreneurship gives a vehicle and language for vocation. How do I live who am I called to be if I'm not called to be a pastor of a church? Redemptive entrepreneurship is changing how to do church. How are we equipping people to actually do the work of the kingdom through the work of their calling?
Watch the 6 minute video here.
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From a video of the Un-Famous Collaborative Confer, 10/02/2021