information for transformational people

Meron 246Meron -  a ministry of hospitality


LICC have just published a film series sharing true stories of God at work through ordinary Christians in everyday places.

In each two-minute film of the series, you’ll walk with an ordinary Christian through their daily routine and discover how they make a difference for Christ, living out the ‘6Ms of Fruitfulness’ in their ordinary tasks:

  • Modelling godly character
  • Making good work
  • Ministering grace and love
  • Moulding culture
  • Being a Mouthpiece for truth and justice
  • Being a Messenger of the gospel

The series is designed to inspire you and your church, your small group, your friends and family, with examples that bring to mind the question: what small (or big!) things could God be doing through you?

Here is one example. For Meron, driving is a ministry of hospitality, not just transportation. She sees each customer as God-sent, modelling godly character through the patience and attentiveness she shows to the people in her vehicle.

See the series here.

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From LICC, 04/01/2022

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