Being a witness at work
From a video by A Passion for Life
A Passion for Life is a movement to see the gospel of Christ proclaimed across the UK and Ireland. It provides local churches with resources and ideas to help stimulate an all-year-round culture of evangelism.
Here is an example resource. Looking at the biblical mandate for work and hearing some testimonies from the workplace. Here are extracts:
"I've been speaking to people remotely because I work remotely. And I've been able to speak to people perhaps more deeply than I would have done if it had just been a chance encounter in an office because a lot of is one to one. So you get to know people better, you get to know the issues they're facing. But then some, occasionally, you get to know a little bit more about some of the things that people are struggling with. People perhaps trying to explore whether you've got an answer to something or way of approaching something, And you know, some people, it's just water off a duck's back, but some people really seem to be interested."
Our behaviour at work will either underline or undermine the gospel. But living the life and being known as a Christian is not enough. In the end, people need to hear the message about Jesus.
In Colossians 4v3, Paul prays that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ. Well, that is a good workplace prayer! That at appropriate times, and places God would open a door for the message, and that we would have the courage to walk through.
God determines where we live, where we work, and who we work with. And he has given you a unique set of workplace relationships. Even if you hate your work, and you find your colleagues difficult, be encouraged that God has chosen to put you there to fulfil His purpose. As a Christian, the best chance your colleagues have of hearing the gospel is probably through you. If you have a typical job, then you're with them five days a week throughout the day. By contrast, they probably hardly know their next door neighbours where they live. So make the most of the opportunity.
Pray for your work colleagues by name, build good relationships with them, and take genuine interest in them in love, look for opportunities to share the good news of God's grace with others at work, chatting over lunch or coffee, perhaps giving them some good books, maybe a link to a talk, or offering to read the word one to one with them. After all, I think Jesus would have done that. This was just his way of operating throughout his working life, out of love for His Heavenly Father, and out of love for others.
In summary, five G's from the Bible about work:
Work is a gift.
Work is not God.
Work is a grind.
Work is a godliness challenge and..
Work is a gospel opportunity.
Watch the 17 min video here:
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From a video by A Passion for Life, 01/06/2022