information for transformational people

BAM 246Business as mission and the Church

From a report by Business as Mission

Over 2022-2023, Business As Mission (BAM) Global supported a Consultation on the subject of BAM and the Church, continuing their call to the ‘Church worldwide’ regarding business as mission. A group of men and women from around the world met over a period of 14 months and produced a BAM and the Church Report as a resource for the business as mission community and the global Church.

This work focused on encouraging the global Church and local church expressions to equip and disciple business people to do their business as to the Lord, with the particular application to business as mission in mind. Church leaders have unique role in equipping, mobilising and supporting those business people in their congregations who will start and run BAM companies.

The report aims to build a bridge between the leaders of local churches and those Christians called to be ‘marketplace ministers’—and to help them reengage and find common ground. To this end, the report focuses on four main areas:

1. Overcoming Theological Hindrances: Exploring some of the significant theological beliefs that have hindered the church from fulfilling its role as an equipper of disciples in the marketplace and how to overcome them.

2. Identifying Structural Obstacles: How the local church is structured has significant impact on what it does or does not do and the report examines the impact of structure on message and methods.

3. Recognising Cultural Challenges: Acknowledging the marvel of the Church in its international and ethnic variety, the report examines some of the unique cultural challenges that impact various national and ethnic environments from each continent.

4. Sharing Case Studies: Giving real examples to illustrate the positive impact when the church gathered and the church scattered reengage with each other.

The report also contains recommendations and resources, including a self-assessment tool for both pastors or church leaders, and church members.

The Business as Mission (BAM) movement highlights the potential for every Christian in every marketplace to be ambassadors of the gospel – priests in their own parish – as they do their business as an act of worship, with the backing and covering of the local church.

The local church can effectively disciple and equip their members to have a positive influence on the marketplace – and especially the spheres of business and economics – with the complete understanding that God said it is ‘very good’.

Download the report from here.

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From a report by Business as Mission, 30/08/2023

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