information for transformational people

construction 246God in a construction company 

From an interview by Heaven In Business

Johnathan and Kara Sparks own Trinity Group International - a Real Estate Development & General Construction firm that is rooted in a four-generation deep tradition of excellence and is based out of Dallas, Texas. Their team of industry professionals has unique expertise in a broad range of commercial, industrial and multi-family design, development and construction services.

They were interviewed by Andy Mason, who is from New Zealand and has 15+ years of experience helping individuals and organizations discover and align with purpose, then develop practical steps to make dreams a reality. In 2008, Andy and his wife Janine moved to Redding, California and attend Bethel Church, starting Heaven in Business. Here is an abridged excerpt of the interview:

We own a commercial construction and real estate development company. In our church in Dallas, there is a fantastic group called Kingdom Business Leaders. They are our spiritual advisory board. When we meet, we have accountability and perspective from different people - from venture capitalists to manufacturers. As well as the Holy Spirit, they speak into your life, giving different ways of solving problems than you might from your own industry. So great wisdom is found in the multitude of counsellors.

Five years ago, a spiritual mentor asked if we'd given the business to God or had we just dedicated it. We had dedicated it. It was our company and we'd asked God to bless it and we had run it with his direction instead of his company that we stewarded.

Within about a week and praying through that revelation, we fired our entire staff and shut the whole company down. We let go some multi-million dollar contracts. We said, "God we spent 15 years building a company our way and we now want you to build a company your way."

That was the start of something really dynamic. 

We just started again and we suddenly realized the Holy Spirit was highly opinionated. He's got thoughts on everything. Before, we'd just pray about wisdom for big contracts - we hadn't thought about asking about the little things daily. But he cares what laptop you order, where you go on holiday, who you're going to spend time with - guarding our time.

The biggest change I think is that we always prayed but the way that we pray is much more together now and is so different. Here's an example. Johnathan leads a Kingdom Business leader group for men and I (Kara) lead one for for business women. His group was growing and exploding. He's got a lot of young entrepreneurs and every week he's excited with what has gone on. My group was the opposite. I was praying, "Lord what is wrong with me?". I was whining to Johnathan and he told me it was not good to pray by myself. We both prayed. The next day I got a phone call about a businesswoman that wants to take her company public and asking to join the group. Then a few days later another call.. The point of this is really praying together you put so much more to flight, you address so much more. 

Even if you're wife or husband is not in your business, they are your covenant partner. They are going to help and have a perspective that God will give them. It doesn't matter what the subject matter is, your partner is so important and prayer is so important and the multiplication that we've seen through prayer and unity has been amazing.

When you pray by yourself, your prayers are effective - the  prayers of a righteous man avail much. But what does two do? Instead of putting 1000 to flight, that puts 10,000 to flight. Praying with your wife is the most powerful thing you can do. 

Another thing I (Kara) have learned is not being afraid when you hear something from the Lord that seems big or is, especially for me, outside of my comfort zone. I'm very structured, Johnathan is a visionary. I think for me what I've learned is to just to rest in him and know that there's times to be Martha but there's also times to be Mary. Rest in him and to rest in the gifts and callings of your spouse.

A man came to one of my (Johnathan) Kingdom Business Leaders events. He thought we were rather competitive (as business leaders often are). He pointed out that he could see mentors but I needed to be a spiritual father - going so much further than my present gifts and talents. I said, "Lord, I only know how to mentor. I don't know how to father." So within the following week, I went, first of all, to my team at our firm and I repented to every single person. I told them that I'd been mentoring them but now I want to father them. There were tears. These are  construction guys and this is Texas. It unlocked something. Guys started coming to both of us with prayer requests for their family situations. In a new Kingdom Business Leaders group that's only a few months old, we now know their deepest darkest struggles and it's just been absolutely amazing.

So number one - don't dedicate your business to God - give your business to him. It's 100% his. Let it go. Listen to the Holy Spirit - to what he's calling you to do - listen and obey. Number two - pray together. Number three - wise counsel - surround yourself with spiritual advisers. Number four - trust and rest in him. Number five - become a father rather than just a mentor.

There is much more in the interview..

Listen to the 32 min interview here:

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From an interview by Heaven In Business, 08/05/2024

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