Marketplace ministry
From a video interview by At Work On Purpose
Sean was stewarding 160 hours per month of each employee’s work, whereas each employee spent only 1.7 hours pm at church. In other words, he had 94 times more spiritual access to his employees than church pastors. How did the Lord lead him?
Hearing God at work
From a podcast by Heaven in Business
Jesus says in John 10, "My sheep hear my voice." It's not optional. It's truth. So the issue is not that we don't hear God. It's that we don't realize we're hearing God.
Developing a growth mindset for farmers in Africa
From an article by Next Billion
"What key element are development sector practitioners potentially neglecting in approaches to agricultural development?" A focus on the soft skills - critical thinking, self-esteem, problem-solving, leadership, etc.
Makerspaces in Liverpool that bring creativity to communities
From an article by Pioneers Post
Make’s hubs are places that nurture life-changing social impact, spaces where opportunity meets ambition and true collaboration, for ideas to incubate, for start-ups to grow and flourish into established enterprises that support livelihoods.
Keeping seniors socially engaged
From an article by Reasons to be Cheerful
Haus Atzgersdorf care home is also home to Brauwerkstatt, a successful microbrewery. Residents are involved in whole production process, from brewing to bottling, packaging, advertising. One of a number of initiatives..
Supplier resilience equals supply chain resilience
From a webinar by Business Fights Poverty
The Mars-Tanager mint partnership shows how diversified income streams, gender inclusion, applied agricultural research creates a more resilient, sustainable agricultural sector. What are the learnings?
Redemptive entrepreneurship
From Praxis Labs
Creative restoration by business through sacrifice using the agency, resources available. Blessing others, renewing culture, giving of ourselves - an “I sacrifice, we win” approach. Fundamentally other-centred: to love, serve.
Bringing social entrepreneurship to schools
From an article by Alison Yang
Students greatly benefit from engaging in an entrepreneur project, including practicing various approaches to learning skills, enhancing financial literacy, and developing perseverance and resilience.
God in a construction company
From an interview by Heaven In Business
5 lessons and counting from leaders who have given a company to God and are stewarding it... Listening and obedience, united prayer, wise counsel, trust and rest, fathering..
In-Person - Faith in Business Leadership Retreat: Just Grace: Forgiveness and Accountability at Work - Cambridge
@Sasha Suite meeting room, Woolf Institute, Westminster College, Madingley Road Cambridge
This year we are discovering the role justice, grace, forgiveness and accountability play in making us more productive.
We are considering questions like:
People Management: what practical protocols, conduct codes and disciplinary procedures best reflect justice, grace, accountability and forgiveness?
Innovation: how can a corporate ethos of just grace stimulate innovation, which inevitably involves trying and failing?
Workplace Culture: what leadership styles best enable a harmonious and inspiring culture of just grace?
Overcoming Obstacles: what are the inhibitors of just grace in the world of work, and how can we overcome them?
Online - Business As Mission Global Connect
The BAM Global Summit 2025 theme, 'Together Towards Tomorrow' reflects our desire to be rooted in the past, but reaching for the future: building together for future generations!
The past 25 years of business as mission have provided strong foundations, but how do we build and innovate for greater fruitfulness? Join us as we explore how to exponentially grow sustainable engagement and holistic gospel impact for generations to come, hear from the Lord and each other and envision and shape the BAM movement of tomorrow, together.