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Articles (171 found)

The Forgotten Manifesto of Jesus - 1
"Is what we're doing really working?", "Is this the way Jesus wants us to make disciples?" Hard questions. Stories from the revival movements where empowered believers make disciples who make disciples.
The Forgotten Manifesto of Jesus - 2
"If we're waiting for them to come to us, they're never coming. But we can learn from the underground church how they are taking the gospel to people where they are unable to invite people to church. There is so much we can learn from them.."
Are you nursing an entrepreneurial idea for social impact, but don’t know how to get started, much less fund it? Could use the wisdom of others to test-drive ideas for missional entrepreneurship? 'Hatchathons' are 2.5 day intense sessions..
Who are you called to share Good News with?
As Ann began to pray into the idea of being an ordinary missionary in her neighbourhood, she asked the Holy Spirit to whom she is called to bring Good News, the answer was clear. The Lord gave her a picture..
Spirit-empowered ministry
There's only one thing that's going to move the dial in our ministries, in our church. Not strategy, theology degrees, training, important as they are. Jesus knew it and he lived by it. The power and the life of the Holy Spirit.
Becoming the Church that Jesus comes back for - part 2
The work the Lord is doing is not reformation but re-founding of Church on Jesus - bringing us back to first love. To deeper devotion and dependency. There are no well worn paths..
Becoming the church that Jesus comes back for - part 1
If you look at church history, you can see moments of seismic shifts in what the Church looked like. 500 years ago, it was the Reformation. If I'm and others are right, this is one of those moments..
The challenge and beauty of church planting 
You don't want your closest friends, who you feel will contribute to what you're doing, to leave you. But you're on a mission, you have to release them to go. There is a grief and sadness, but excitement too.
The failure of Celebrity Christianity 
The celebrity-ism that we are tempted with is one that's marked by entitlement, marked by performance, marked by power. This is the core of celebrity-ism. 4 questions to ask.
15 observations in disciple making movements in urban locations - 2
Today, 4.4 billion people (56% of the global population) live in cities. People in cities are increasingly unreached. 15 insights for growth from research and questions to consider.. part 2.
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