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Articles (109 found)

Timing of co-habitation and marital instability
Marriages of those who moved in together before being engaged were 48% more likely to end than the marriages of those who only cohabited after being engaged or already married.
My Brother's Keeper
Initiative that has built an alliance of community networks across USA to realise improved life outcomes for boys and young men of colour. Graduations up, unemployment reduced, gun violence reduced and crime solved rates increased..
The Forgotten Manifesto of Jesus - 1
"Is what we're doing really working?", "Is this the way Jesus wants us to make disciples?" Hard questions. Stories from the revival movements where empowered believers make disciples who make disciples.
The Forgotten Manifesto of Jesus - 2
"If we're waiting for them to come to us, they're never coming. But we can learn from the underground church how they are taking the gospel to people where they are unable to invite people to church. There is so much we can learn from them.."
How AI is revolutionising education
The system isn't broken - it's outdated, no longer necessary in its current form due to advances in technology and AI. There is urgency for educators to integrate AI into their teaching strategies and work processes.
Marketplace ministry
Sean was stewarding 160 hours per month of each employee’s work, whereas each employee spent only 1.7 hours pm at church. In other words, he had 94 times more spiritual access to his employees than church pastors. How did the Lord lead him?
When everything falls apart, can communities come together?
“If you’re going to get saved in a disaster, it’s most likely not going to be the hero with the cape … flying in from 20 hours away. It’s going to be your neighbour.”
Creating capacity for multiplication - 2
Thinking leader qualities, they need vision, drive. Be generalists not specialists, entrepreneurial, hold a team, have a high work ethic, grit, emotional resilience. Their family and marriage has to be resilient.
A toolkit to foster belonging in youth groups
An example toolkit from StreetSmart who develop free game-changing tools for youth workers to enable them to unlock the potential of vulnerable children and youngsters worldwide.
Feeling good for doing good: recognizing children’s moral pride
The warm feeling you get after doing a good deed. Parents can guide children by pointing out kind acts, discussing how these affect others, reflecting on emotions that accompany such acts.
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Events (4 found)

In-Person - Communicating Radical Hope in an era of poly-crisis - London
@The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple Crown Office Row London
William Temple Foundation in partnership with Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS) and the University of Notre Dame London Programme. This conference will launch an international search for Radical Hope and open up questions and debates relevant to faith based organisations in the public square and their response to poly-crises. The conference will be a hybrid gathering to reflect the conditions and spaces of engagement that make up the public square in the 21st Century. The gathering will explore questions of freedom of religion and belief in the public square, truth and propaganda, and the role that dialogue can play in developing shared values in the public square.
In-Person - Everything Conference 2025 - London
@Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, London
Christians are called to transform the world for the flourishing of humanity and the glory of God. The Everything Conference is for those who want to contribute towards positive change within their spheres of influence.
The Everything Conference is our signature annual gathering in Central London, where we come together to learn, share stories of cultural renewal at work in people's lives, and encourage each other in our own contexts of renewal. Through keynote talks, interviews, artistic performances, prayer, worship, and the occasional interactive workshop, conference attendees connect with others of like minds and like hearts from across the UK and beyond.
In-Person - Being Missional Today - Coventry
@Coventry Cathedral, 1 Hill Top, Coventry
Being Missional Today is a festival of missional thinking exploring the impact of disruptions in church and world, the liminality of this current season, and the role of reconciliation practices. We’ll be welcoming 22 different speakers, mostly published authors, with Bishop Guli Francis-Dehqani and Revd Dr Al Barrett headlining. The gathering is sponsored jointly by the Church Urban Fund, Coventry Cathedral, the Iona Community and Reconciliation Initiatives.
Conference highlights:
Dialogical: Conversations between 22 speakers with fellow participants, including space for small group conversation, and quiet reflection time: what participants bring will be as valued as what the platform speakers share. 
Inclusive perspectives: A chance to hear from voices historically marginalised in mission dialogues, creating a more globally connected and inclusive conversation, exploring perspectives beyond current dominant models. 
Coventry Cathedral: Opportunities to explore this iconic cathedral, with its long history of involvement in reconciliation ministries, in diverse ways. 
In-Person - Faith in the City @ 40 (North) - Sheffield
@Victoria Hall Lower Ground Floor Norfolk Street Sheffield City Centre
2025 marks the 40th Anniversary of the publication of the influential report of Archbishop Runcie’s Commission on Urban Priority Areas. While the Thatcher government rejected it as “naive Marxism, and largely ignored its recommendations to the nation, it was followed by more than a decade of extensive initiatives in urban mission in the Church of England and other denominations.
Much has changed over 40 years, but issues of urban poverty and injustice have not disappeared, and there are few signs that Churches and other Christian activity are flourishing in such places. Indeed there are signs that neither government nor church are making them a priority for action and investment, and that people living there are increasingly feeling left behind.
This conference, one of a series of events across the country, is a chance to reflect on the theology and practice of urban mission, then and now. There will be input from leading practitioners who were involved in the 1980s, and those who are leading mission and church activities today.
It will be of interest to anyone who lives and works in the inner city, or on social housing estates. We hope it will encourage and inform, and be a catalyst for a renewed movement to develop Faith in the City and hope in urban churches and communities.

To submit a story or to publicise an event please contact us. Sign up for email here.