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Articles (97 found)

An innovation process for a town/city
Towns/cities today must respond effectively to the needs of increased urbanisation. To do this, they need to learn, embrace an innovation process in their practices that involves local people and others. An example..
3 things cities do to foster innovative local government 
Research identified; a) New institutions that are “licensed to innovate”, b) Approaches based in design thinking, c) Nurturing more creative bureaucracies...
5 tips for citizen engagement for the public sector
A public servant needs to master the art of engaging citizens effectively. To do the right things, they must listen, engage, and co-create solutions with those they are here to serve – the citizens.
Intimacy, imagination, innovation
Intimacy - create rhythms and patterns of intimacy - familial friendship with God. Imagination - take time to both dream and receive revelation. Innovation - try new things - prototype, test, learn.
Ancient practice of raising animals and growing trees and pasture on same piece of land. Combats climate change well ahead of solar panels, recycling , etc. Pastures with trees sequester 5 to 10 times as much carbon as treeless ones.
Storyville Gardens
To challenge literacy statistics, Storyville is designed to ignite the desire to read by toddlers to teens and adults alike. It is an imagination-driven, interactive entertainment destination where stories engage and connect.
8 non-numerical ways to assess the health of a church 
Church 'success' is seen often as numbers - attendees, donations, etc. However, these are not the best way to measure church health and effectiveness. Here are 8 helpful ways to assess...
The fifth industrial revolution 
“I see a crisis of trust in technology. In the Fifth Industrial Revolution, we’re going to have to have a chief ethical and humane use officer. Are we using these technologies for the good of the world?”
Creating a 'Social Business City'
Taoyuan City, Taiwan has created “an enabling ecosystem for social businesses, social enterprises and social innovation” by removing obstacles and giving them the “power, means, opportunities and authority to pursue their goals”
Four key shifts facing the Church
"What would a collaborative, dynamic, authentic, sacrificial, generative and innovative community of Christlike leaders look like?" Four key shifts could help transition to answers to this question. They are..
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