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Articles (132 found)

Feeling good for doing good: recognizing children’s moral pride
The warm feeling you get after doing a good deed. Parents can guide children by pointing out kind acts, discussing how these affect others, reflecting on emotions that accompany such acts.
What parent behaviours, rather than style, matter most for children’s success?
In most situations, parents know what decisions they ought to make, but some chronically make decisions they know are not beneficial for their child nor what they should do.
How to take back your family’s Christmas
This Christmas, choose gratitude, forgiveness, service, and connection. This Christmas, choose joy. 7 strategies to beat the Christmas Grinch. 1. Create Some Structure. 2. Practice Acceptance. 3. Craft Your Joy...
The importance of the first few years: one family's story
Who you are as a person is largely shaped during these formative years. "Our son has had the best start in life, something that hasn’t happened in my family for as far back as anyone can remember."
How screen time affects childhood development
As screen tech becomes more integrated into our lives, attempts to understand its impact on cognitive and behavioural development, particularly in children, have sparked concerns and debate. Some insights..
How different types of disadvantage impact England’s pre-school children
Disadvantage has two dimensions – economic and home disadvantage. These have different effects on later outcomes. Need to vary hours in pre-school according to disadvantage.
Confronting the toll of hook-up culture
The consequences are tangible psychological distress, embarrassment, loss of respect, distrust, difficulties with maintaining steady relationships, STDs, depression, anxiety. We need to model something different.
Reminiscing with your child 
Reminiscing with children at various ages benefits the children linguistically, cognitively, emotionally, and academically.
What responsibility do parents have for their children's mental health? 
There is a belief in many parents who come for guidance that children are the problem. “Fix my child." They can’t see how their behaviour, style or issues may impact their child.
The first 1001 days
Children’s development in the early years sets them on a positive trajectory. Children’s development at just 22 months has been shown to predict their qualifications at 26 years.
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Events (1 found)

Online - A Fairer Start Local: how to support early years innovation in local authorities
In 2021, Nesta launched A Fairer Start Local: a long-term innovation partnership with three local authorities to develop, design and test ideas for how innovation could transform early years services. Four years on, they’ve learned a lot about how innovation support from organisations like Nesta can best amplify the capabilities within local authorities, and improve outcomes for children and families.

Join them online on 24 April from 12:00-13:00 as they mark the publication of our Fairer Start Local report. There will be a discussion with leaders from the local authorities Nesta partnered with: Stockport and Greater Manchester, Leeds and York. Together they will share insights on what works to innovate and improve outcomes in early years systems.

This online event is ideal for anyone interested in innovation for local services, especially in the early years.

To submit a story or to publicise an event please contact us. Sign up for email here.