Developing a growth mindset for farmers in Africa
From an article by Next Billion
"What key element are development sector practitioners potentially neglecting in approaches to agricultural development?" A focus on the soft skills - critical thinking, self-esteem, problem-solving, leadership, etc.
Supplier resilience equals supply chain resilience
From a webinar by Business Fights Poverty
The Mars-Tanager mint partnership shows how diversified income streams, gender inclusion, applied agricultural research creates a more resilient, sustainable agricultural sector. What are the learnings?
Asset Based Community Development for Churches - 1
From a webinar by Church Urban Fund
Sometimes answers lie within our community, within our shared experiences. Listening to one another, acknowledging our collective knowledge can guide us. But do our current responses exacerbate issues?
5 life lessons from Mother Teresa
1. Never Quit. She persevered throughout all the adversities that she knew in her life.
2. Embrace the Power of Prayer. She said that if you're too busy to pray, you're too busy. For her, it all began with prayer. ..More
“You feed them”
An article by Lloyd Cooke, CEO of Saltbox and the
Jesus’s challenge to his disciples. Today, at any one time, Saltbox’s 50 staff and 40+ volunteers are helping almost 500 needy local people with housing, loneliness and debt. Changing the world one life at a time..
Overcoming generational poverty
From an article and video by the Salvation Army
Ruth Beltran was at the end of herself. After leaving an abusive relationship, a single mother of six struggling to make ends meet. She was living in a car with her children. Then she met the Salvation Army and all changed.
From a talk by Lisa Cherry
The need to belong is a fundamental and human motivation. And that means we will find somewhere to belong to regardless of whether it's healthy, regardless of whether it's safe. Regardless of anything, we'll find somewhere to belong to.
In-Person - Faith in the City @ 40 (North) - Sheffield
@Victoria Hall Lower Ground Floor Norfolk Street Sheffield City Centre
2025 marks the 40th Anniversary of the publication of the influential report of Archbishop Runcie’s Commission on Urban Priority Areas. While the Thatcher government rejected it as “naive Marxism, and largely ignored its recommendations to the nation, it was followed by more than a decade of extensive initiatives in urban mission in the Church of England and other denominations.
Much has changed over 40 years, but issues of urban poverty and injustice have not disappeared, and there are few signs that Churches and other Christian activity are flourishing in such places. Indeed there are signs that neither government nor church are making them a priority for action and investment, and that people living there are increasingly feeling left behind.
This conference, one of a series of events across the country, is a chance to reflect on the theology and practice of urban mission, then and now. There will be input from leading practitioners who were involved in the 1980s, and those who are leading mission and church activities today.
It will be of interest to anyone who lives and works in the inner city, or on social housing estates. We hope it will encourage and inform, and be a catalyst for a renewed movement to develop Faith in the City and hope in urban churches and communities.