A video from Salvation Army Caring Magazine
Things are not always as they seem. A video giving a momentary glimpse into one woman’s life as she walks down the street. There is always more to someone’s story than what’s on the surface...
Snakes and Ladders
From a report by Beyond the Streets
A way of exploring the process of leaving prostitution in a workshop setting
Online - Getting out? Supporting women seeking to leave the sex industry
This course is delivered by a trainer who has substantial experience of working directly with women, as well as understanding of policy, research in this context, and service creation. The content is shaped by 20 years of practice and our continual bias of learning from women with Lived Experience.
By the end of the session learners will have:
1. Explored the language and controversies around ‘exiting’ the sex industry.
2. Been introduced to an overview of up-to-date research on leaving and routes out of the sex industry.
3. Exploring actions to reduce barriers for women who want to stop/reduce selling sex.
Online - Alongside? Exploring tools to support women in the sex industry
This is an interactive training session exploring how we engage with women across various contexts & how we can best support women to make the change they are looking for. Our examples will be from women selling sex on the street/massage parlours/brothels, but are also applicable for women experiencing multiple disadvantage (Domestic abuse/sexual violence/stalking/ harassment).
We will focus on Motivational Interviewing Tools– Cycle of Change, DARNC and OARS model and have been applied to supporting women in the sex industry.