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Articles (39 found)

Asset Based Community Development for Churches (ABCD) - 2
ABCD shifts focus from what is lacking to what is present, valuable in communities - hidden treasures waiting to be uncovered, celebrated. A new story - one that reflects abundance and potential.
Bringing back the power of community
William Beveridge, whose 1942 report led to the welfare state, recognised he'd made a mistake in omitting a greater role for families, communities, volunteers, civil society. “It did frankly send a chill to my heart.”
Asset Based Community Development for Churches - 1
Sometimes answers lie within our community, within our shared experiences. Listening to one another, acknowledging our collective knowledge can guide us. But do our current responses exacerbate issues?
Estates Evangelism
More than bread, more than words. We must not be content to see those living on estates as anything less than family who deserve the dignity of food and the astounding truth of the gospel.
The Biblical basis for entrepreneurship
If we only focus on certain aspects of God's story, it has very significant impact on how we understand the role of business and what the Kingdom of God is about.
Harnessing AI for social impact
The intersection of AI and social impact presents extraordinary opportunities for positive change. Improving efficiency, optimizing resource allocation, developing innovative products, and helping better decision-making.
Solutions Journalism
Solutions Journalism investigates and explains, in a critical and clear-eyed way, how people try to solve widely shared problems instead of “what’s gone wrong" journalism. Changing the culture. A guide..
The future of Christian social action
Has enthusiasm for social action led Church to become a handmaid of the state? Have projects been effective at reducing poverty? Have they been an effective way of witnessing Christian faith? What needs to change?
Food as freedom 
The ability to know where your next meal is coming from is empowering. If you don't know how to answer that question, as the hunger pains increase, you will do whatever you can to get food on the table.
Services based on relationships to fix our social problems
"I want to tell you about Ella. Ella is stuck. She has lived with crisis for 40 years. There were 73 different services on offer for her. 73 services run out of 24 departments in one city.."
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Events (1 found)

In-Person - The Briefing 2025 - London
@All Bar One in the O2, Greenwich, London
In 2024, the London Mission Collective shared how over the next 10 years, they would operate as a network of networks collaborating around evangelism, intercultural church and social justice in the capital. They will touch on all three of these at the event but this year but with the ‘Intercultural Church and City Transformation’ event later this month and the London wide Summit in October, they will spend more time focusing on evangelism. They’ll be hearing about city wide, borough wide and local church opportunities and explore what God seems to be doing at this time.
They will also set aside a good chunk of time for prayer, exploring the big prayers for the year ahead and hearing about plans to pray for every street of the capital.

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