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Articles (29 found)

Developing a growth mindset for farmers in Africa
"What key element are development sector practitioners potentially neglecting in approaches to agricultural development?" A focus on the soft skills - critical thinking, self-esteem, problem-solving, leadership, etc.
Why the dignity of work is at the heart of civic and spiritual renewal 
Work is a spiritual activity, following literally in the footsteps of a carpenter, through which the worker collaborates with the Creator “for the redemption of humanity”.
Doughnut Economics for business: creating enterprises that are regenerative and distributive
Redesigning business away from the outdated 20th century idea of existing to extract maximum value, to the 21st century idea of generating maximum benefits.
Evaluating impact through a Most Significant Change approach 
MSC is particularly useful when you need different stakeholders to understand the different values that other stakeholders have in terms of "what success looks like".
Empathy + compassion are evolved states of being 
The best way to spot an idiot is to look for the person who is cruel. Over many years, I have found one thing to be universally true - the kindest person in the room is often the smartest.
Producing energy from waste water
A cassava mill in Indonesia now supplies 9.8 GWh of electricity to the local grid per year – enough to supply 20,000 people with clean, reliable energy, while reducing emissions by 30,000 tonnes of CO2 annually.
Children’s sense of what they owe aging parents varies across Europe
What is the percentage of each European country’s adults who agreed with the statement, "Adult children have the duty to provide long-term care for their parents.” and why?
8 non-numerical ways to assess the health of a church 
Church 'success' is seen often as numbers - attendees, donations, etc. However, these are not the best way to measure church health and effectiveness. Here are 8 helpful ways to assess...
The fifth industrial revolution 
“I see a crisis of trust in technology. In the Fifth Industrial Revolution, we’re going to have to have a chief ethical and humane use officer. Are we using these technologies for the good of the world?”
Do less and feel good about it 
During the pandemic we experienced a period of less and as we come out of that period, there could be a tendency to add, to get busy, to fill our time. 5 key insights as to why we do this and how to prevent..
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Events (2 found)

In-Person - The Eclipse of Christianity? - London
@LICC, St Peter's Vere Street, London
Rupert Shortt, religion editor for The Times Literary Supplement, is clear-eyed about the state of Christianity in the West. Mainstream churches are facing a significant decline, with some at risk of dying out altogether.  
The census reveals that a minority of British people now identify as Christian, and that trend is mirrored across nearby societies. Many cultural influencers are promoting secularism with the kind of dogmatic zeal they criticise in people of faith. And others, though they’re spiritually curious, remain publicly sceptical of religious beliefs like the existence of God. 
But it’s not all doom and gloom. Shortt argues that church teachings are still both intellectually sound and globally influential. Christianity continues to inspire transformative action around the world and remains a source of hope for humanity. And the church needs to be bolder about saying just that. 
In-Person - Wisdom Lab: Peace-making in Wartime - London
@LICC, St Peter's Vere Street, London
As international conflict escalates, how would Jesus have us seek shalom wherever we stand? Join our expert panel of peacemakers for a powerful evening of stories, insight, and advice. 
Scan the globe and you’ll find over 40 countries locked in conflict that destroys lives and devastates community and creation alike. Russia and Ukraine; Israel and Palestine; the civil wars in Myanmar, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, and Ethiopia; terrorist insurgencies in Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo; and border conflicts between Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. If we broaden the lens beyond regional conflicts, we find increasingly hostile relations between NATO and the Western bloc on the one hand and the strengthening axis of Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea on the other. Much like in the early 20th Century, many warn that we are once again stumbling into world war.
As followers of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, is his church ready for the complex task of peace-making in wartime, starting right where we are in our daily lives?   

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