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Articles (18 found)

Ways to greater happiness?
All humans want a satisfying life for themselves and their children. 68 suggestions on how individuals can raise their own happiness were rated for feasibility and effectiveness. What were the highest rated ideas?
Schools and intergenerational tutoring 
A programme that which pairs senior volunteers with children in kindergarten thru Year 3 for 30–45 minutes each week. They become their tutor, mentor and friend. The volunteers benefit in various ways too..
How to measure the impact of employee volunteering 
A volunteering programme can be transformational for employees, community members, non-profits and your business. Clarify what you hope to achieve and then tie 5 measurement strategies to those goals.
Volunteering and the positive impact on mental health 
"This study shows the tremendous benefits of youth volunteering. The act of helping others and building empathy and understanding, is a critical protective factor against mental ill-health."
Charity resilience and volunteering trends
Charity leaders report their biggest challenge is organisational resilience. How to address? Volunteering trends in pandemic have changed. Are these permanent or temporary?
Experiences that build resilience strengthen children who face adversities 
From research evidence, a list of the top 10 types of relationships and resources that provide Protective and Compensatory Experiences that bolster children against adversity
Shifting the Balance: Local adaptation, innovation and collaboration 
2020 was a year with unprecedented challenges, and it also proved community power is possible at scale. Public services and communities came together to help each other as never before.
Volunteering and human flourishing 
For many, engaging in volunteering can be a powerful way to contribute to the good of others, to the community, to the common good, and to the good of the person volunteering as well - with significant health benefits.
9 key findings on impact of volunteering on volunteers 
The impact of volunteering across four main areas: mental health and wellbeing, physical health, social connections, and employability and skills.
Supporting those serving on the margins 
A report exploring how churches can support and equip their members whose work or ministry with those ‘on the margins’ takes place primarily outside of church walls.
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Events (2 found)

Online - Recruiting volunteers for children’s and youth ministry
Would you love to offer more for children and young people in your church or community group, but just can’t find enough volunteers? If so, this webinar is for you! Come along and hear all about the JOIN resources and how they can help you recruit volunteers. We will guide you through how to use the resources and share stories of churches that have used the JOIN toolkit successfully. Come along, ask your questions and be encouraged.
In-Person and Online - Stronger Things 2025 - London
@Guildhall, London
The sell-out event returns for its 6th year. As community power rises up the national agenda, join us for Stronger Things 2025. Together we’ll reimagine the future of public services and unleash the potential in our places. New Local is an independent think tank and network with a mission to transform public services and unlock community power.

To submit a story or to publicise an event please contact us. Sign up for email here.