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Articles (113 found)

The importance of the first few years: one family's story
Who you are as a person is largely shaped during these formative years. "Our son has had the best start in life, something that hasn’t happened in my family for as far back as anyone can remember."
The Compass of Shame
The first wince of shame is physical. The feeling is so noxious that we generally move quickly to get out of this moment through one or two of four scripted responses - referred to as the four points on a "Compass of Shame"
Building a community wellbeing data hub in Widnes
What is wellbeing? Research with residents - emotional, physical, spiritual health, human connection, getting to places, community spirit, support, respect, kindness, values, public spaces and services..
How companies can support survivors of domestic abuse 
There is more awareness of the workplace impacts of domestic violence and abuse. Access a Toolkit that offers a roadmap for businesses to support survivors of domestic violence.
The Wellbeing Journey 
Churches are in a unique place to lead communities on an 8-part video journey to improved physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. It's based around 7 key areas of wellbeing. "It's been amazing."
Resilience in turbulent times? The answer is community.
A strong community is an amazing place for young to grow up in and elderly to age in. We've got connection, share resources, feel safe, our hearts belong. But what's it got to do with resilience?
Walking in Gratitude 
When Nicola, a working mother of four, faces serious mental and physical health issues, she finds herself saying, “thank you.” She discovers that by practicing gratitude, she is able to..
The demand for spiritual care in the private sector 
The boundary between HR and chaplaincy is that chaplains have to be neutral. That ability is critical so that they can move in and out in a liminal way (occupy a position on both sides of a boundary).
Culture on prescription 
People have long used arts as a way to make sense of the world, build connections and define themselves whilst benefiting from the arts’ therapeutic effects. Arts and culture can make us feel better...
The devastating effect of divorce or separation on Adverse Childhood Experiences 
Individuals, communities, society pay a huge cost due to ACEs - wasted lives, premature death, anti-social behaviour, + healthcare, justice, education, social services costs.
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Events (1 found)

In-Person - Behavioural Science Conference 2025: Keeping Ahead of Change
@John Lennon Art and Design Building, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool
Rapid changes in technology, science, population, and politics, bring new challenges, but also new opportunities in supporting health and wellbeing. 
Applied behavioural and social sciences can develop and improve the reach and impact of health interventions and help address the most pressing public health challenges.

Join the largest gathering in the UK of leaders and practitioners in behavioural science, social science and public health who are seeking:
· Learning & inspiration from examples of the latest work across the UK
· Practical tools to increase the effectiveness of interventions and services
· A national community dedicated to changing behaviour to improve public health

To submit a story or to publicise an event please contact us. Sign up for email here.