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Articles (67 found)

An innovation process for a town/city
Towns/cities today must respond effectively to the needs of increased urbanisation. To do this, they need to learn, embrace an innovation process in their practices that involves local people and others. An example..
The root of social connections in a community 
Community building is about the vitality of connections, not tasks they perform or possessions they accrue. Such vitality is most evident in the quality of relationships rather than the quality of projects.
Resilience in turbulent times? The answer is community. 
A strong community is an amazing place for young to grow up in and elderly to age in. We've got connection, share resources, feel safe, our hearts belong. But what's it got to do with resilience?
Everybody needs good neighbourhoods 
Communities with neighbourhood-based initiatives exhibit; lower overall levels of crime, a greater reduction in levels of anti-social behaviour, a greater reduction in levels of criminal damage, a better neighbourhood environment and..
How can we speak clearly and powerfully about racism? 
Reframing Race spoke to 20,000 people in England and Scotland about race and racism. They tested messages with the public. New ways of talking about racism lead to new ways of listening. A guide..
How to measure the impact of employee volunteering 
A volunteering programme can be transformational for employees, community members, non-profits and your business. Clarify what you hope to achieve and then tie 5 measurement strategies to those goals.
Why the dignity of work is at the heart of civic and spiritual renewal 
Work is a spiritual activity, following literally in the footsteps of a carpenter, through which the worker collaborates with the Creator “for the redemption of humanity”.
The devastating effect of divorce or separation on Adverse Childhood Experiences 
Individuals, communities, society pay a huge cost due to ACEs - wasted lives, premature death, anti-social behaviour, + healthcare, justice, education, social services costs.
Community-led digital inclusion support 
How do you reach people who aren’t online? Or people not interested in learning digital skills? One way is via local digital inclusion hubs. 3000+ UK organisations form the National Digital Inclusion Network.
5 tips for citizen engagement for the public sector
A public servant needs to master the art of engaging citizens effectively. To do the right things, they must listen, engage, and co-create solutions with those they are here to serve – the citizens.
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Events (2 found)

In-Person and Online - Louder than Words - the B-Corp Festival - Oxford
@New Theatre Oxford
The largest-ever gathering of B Corps to harness the power of people using business as a force for good. We’ll be bringing this growing community of 2,000 B Corps together, putting ideas into action and tackling the issues that matter.
Main stage and over 40 fringe events. Fringe sessions are grouped by three key themes: Regenerative futures, Leading the change and Now, together. These themes encompass everything it means to do business, better.
In-Person - Christians in Media Engage 2024 - London
@St Martin-in-the-Fields Trafalgar Square London
In a world where the Media wields unparalleled influence, the messages we convey shape societies and individuals alike. As Christians in this dynamic arena, our commitment to truth, integrity and the expression of faith faces constant challenges.
Through community, vision, and training, Christians in Media rise to meet these challenges. At our Engage Conference, we will tackle three critical questions resonating deeply in our current climate:
How do we disagree well? Navigating disagreements with grace and respect in a polarised media landscape.
What role does AI play in the future of media? Exploring the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in shaping media narratives.
How do we protect our mental health in this pressured and highly visible profession? Addressing the unique challenges of maintaining mental well-being in the fast-paced world of media

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