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Articles (92 found)

Becoming the Church that Jesus comes back for - part 2
The work the Lord is doing is not reformation but re-founding of Church on Jesus - bringing us back to first love. To deeper devotion and dependency. There are no well worn paths..
Can AI be ethical? 
As AI becomes advanced and integrated into aspects of society, it is crucial to address potential ethical implications of its use. There is a consensus that development of ethically aligned AI systems is imperative. Some insights..
Becoming the church that Jesus comes back for - part 1
If you look at church history, you can see moments of seismic shifts in what the Church looked like. 500 years ago, it was the Reformation. If I'm and others are right, this is one of those moments..
What responsibility do parents have for their children's mental health? 
There is a belief in many parents who come for guidance that children are the problem. “Fix my child." They can’t see how their behaviour, style or issues may impact their child.
Pursuing a generous lifestyle 
We were surprised by wealth. The question then became how do we use this wealth to honour God? That's not a simple question. Money tends to hold power over us. Giving really takes away that power and dethrones this control.
The first 1001 days
Children’s development in the early years sets them on a positive trajectory. Children’s development at just 22 months has been shown to predict their qualifications at 26 years.
The failure of Celebrity Christianity 
The celebrity-ism that we are tempted with is one that's marked by entitlement, marked by performance, marked by power. This is the core of celebrity-ism. 4 questions to ask.
What is family? 
Cultures, values, social expectations, laws have changed over time and vary from place to place. In research, love and unconditional non-judgemental support had universal agreement as being important, but what about legal and blood ties?
Resilience in turbulent times? The answer is community. 
A strong community is an amazing place for young to grow up in and elderly to age in. We've got connection, share resources, feel safe, our hearts belong. But what's it got to do with resilience?
15 observations in disciple making movements in urban locations - 2
Today, 4.4 billion people (56% of the global population) live in cities. People in cities are increasingly unreached. 15 insights for growth from research and questions to consider.. part 2.
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Events (6 found)

In-Person and Online - 2024 Faith Driven Entrepreneur Conference - Start trading up - Various locations
@Watch Parties in various locations
The 2024 Faith Driven Entrepreneur Conference is about breaking down bad narratives. For too long, the life of faith has been seen as a weakness in the business world when it’s actually our greatest strength.
Being a Faith Driven Entrepreneur means trading up from a life of constant striving. It means you play on the winning team. That you are part of a legacy, a movement of others around the world and throughout history who have found innovative ways to push back darkness.
Our meaning isn’t found in what the world tells us is valuable. We find significance in surrender, and in that surrender, we find the freedom to take big risks, do great work, and compete in the marketplace.
This event will help entrepreneurs navigate the path to surrender and significance as we hear from innovative leaders like Lecrae, Derwin Gray, David Platt, and David Kinnaman plus stories of entrepreneurs from Asia, Africa, Europe, and the U.S.
In-Person - Christians in Media Engage 2024 - London
@St Martin-in-the-Fields Trafalgar Square London
In a world where the Media wields unparalleled influence, the messages we convey shape societies and individuals alike. As Christians in this dynamic arena, our commitment to truth, integrity and the expression of faith faces constant challenges.
Through community, vision, and training, Christians in Media rise to meet these challenges. At our Engage Conference, we will tackle three critical questions resonating deeply in our current climate:
How do we disagree well? Navigating disagreements with grace and respect in a polarised media landscape.
What role does AI play in the future of media? Exploring the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in shaping media narratives.
How do we protect our mental health in this pressured and highly visible profession? Addressing the unique challenges of maintaining mental well-being in the fast-paced world of media
Online - Global day of prayer for the media, arts and entertainment
Media are storytellers who have influence, and set the tone and direction of important cultural conversations.
‘The Media’ is people. We support those called to serve in Christian, secular media, arts and entertainment.
Pray for truth, integrity and justice in a world crying out for God’s love, grace and compassion. 
From east to west, as the sun rises to greet the new day, we will pray. Join us for the first ever 24 hour livestream global day of prayer for the media, arts and entertainment. On Sunday October 27 we will unite together. Hosts from around the world will take turns to lead us. And guest speakers representing the diverse media arena and Christian denominations across the continents will encourage and inspire our prayers.
Online - Perspectives on Mission: Sexuality
ForMission College webinars aim to bring key thinkers and significant research to a wide audience. Each session will be an hour and a half with about 30-40 minutes of input from the guest specialist followed by a time of discussion and Q&A. Participants will have the opportunity to hear presentations on relevant topics in mission in the UK today from some of the best speakers in the contemporary UK church.
In-Person - Better Conversations | The Use and Abuse of Power - London
@LICC, St Peter's Vere Street, London
Tired of talking past each other on contentious topics? Want an honest dialogue with each other to work out how to follow Jesus in divided times? 

In 2024, each new month seems to bring some fresh scandal of broken leadership. Narcissism, toxicity, and power abuse have become wearingly familiar terms to many of us – not only through stories we see at a distance, but often through our own first-hand experiences of problematic leadership in organisations, workplaces, and even churches.

Many of us are asking how we can begin to process and respond to this, especially when we ourselves don’t necessarily seem to possess the power to effect change. How can we make sense of what’s going on? And how can we begin to formulate fresh ways of thinking, acting, and speaking?
In-Person - The John Stott London Lecture 2024: Authentic Relationships in an Artificial World - London
@All Souls, Langham Place, London
Professor John Wyatt on growing and protecting authentic relationships in an AI-saturated world. 

In 2024, AI-simulated relationships are increasingly being promoted for therapy, care, education, amusement, and even romance. A growing tide of loneliness and isolation and a pervasive sense of relational deficiency provide a context in which simulated companionship can appear a compelling solution. Frictionless, unfailingly positive, and consistent, the AI companion seems increasingly preferable to the messy and unpredictable reality of human interactions and bonds. 

What kind of world are we creating for the future, and what will it mean for those of us who wish to be faithful to our Christian calling? How do we respond to our call to make disciples in an AI-saturated world, and what opportunities and challenges does AI open up when it comes to helping people follow the way of Jesus in the 21st Century?  

In the 2024 John Stott London Lecture, John Wyatt, Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics, Ethics, and Perinatology at University College London, and author of The Robot Will See You Now and Transforming Friendship, will consider how AI may be redeemed from destructive and addictive tendencies and harnessed to support the nurturing and formation of Christian disciples for the future. 

To submit a story or to publicise an event please contact us. Sign up for email here.