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Articles (113 found)

Bringing social entrepreneurship to schools 
Students greatly benefit from engaging in an entrepreneur project, including practicing various approaches to learning skills, enhancing financial literacy, and developing perseverance and resilience.
Should adolescents start school later? 
Various pilot programs have found that later secondary school start times may help students get more sleep, feel less depressed, attend school more, and achieve higher grades. But it depends on..
Schools and intergenerational tutoring 
A programme that which pairs senior volunteers with children in kindergarten thru Year 3 for 30–45 minutes each week. They become their tutor, mentor and friend. The volunteers benefit in various ways too..
Is the decline in children's independent activity one cause of decline in their mental well-being? 
Over last 60 years, understanding has shifted from children as competent, responsible and resilient to focusing on children’s needs for supervision, protection.
The Neighbourhood Storyteller
Asma started thinking that the refugee community in the camp needed to work together to change things. She saw potential and thought there was something to be done. She always loved reading and she always loved stories....
Crossing Cultures 101 
A free, online, self-paced course that gives you the basic information you need to know to work in another culture. General principles that apply widely to any cross-cultural experience.
Zero Gravity 
Students selected for their accelerators come from backgrounds and areas where reaching a top university is more of a challenge than an inevitability. According to UCAS, they are twice as likely to achieve top university places.
3-10 year olds enrolled in ThinkZone programs significantly outperformed comparison group by 40%-60% in number recognition and counting, in comparison skills and shape knowledge, in reading and writing, in division skills.
Building a better brain through music, dance and poetry
"Children who engage in the arts are better learners. Students with access to art education are 5x less likely to drop out, 4x more likely to be recognised for high achievement."
Digital Compass
A behaviourally informed programme, designed with young people to help them behave ethically online. A positive impact on their online experiences; knowledge, new coping strategies, responsibility, consequences of their actions.
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