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Articles (171 found)

Becoming the Church that Jesus comes back for - part 2
The work the Lord is doing is not reformation but re-founding of Church on Jesus - bringing us back to first love. To deeper devotion and dependency. There are no well worn paths..
Becoming the church that Jesus comes back for - part 1
If you look at church history, you can see moments of seismic shifts in what the Church looked like. 500 years ago, it was the Reformation. If I'm and others are right, this is one of those moments..
Discipling a million 
Story of a website that had over 50M visitors last year, all seeking answers to hard questions about life and God. 1M visitors found a link saying they invited Jesus into their life and wanted info to get discipled.
The challenge and beauty of church planting 
You don't want your closest friends, who you feel will contribute to what you're doing, to leave you. But you're on a mission, you have to release them to go. There is a grief and sadness, but excitement too.
The Wellbeing Journey 
Churches are in a unique place to lead communities on an 8-part video journey to improved physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. It's based around 7 key areas of wellbeing. "It's been amazing."
Your Workspace Matters 
Your physical workspace has spiritual significance. You carry the presence of God into the workplace. It can be a surprisingly hostile place as a result. So how can you pray effectively over that space?
15 observations in disciple making movements in urban locations - 2
Today, 4.4 billion people (56% of the global population) live in cities. People in cities are increasingly unreached. 15 insights for growth from research and questions to consider.. part 2.
15 observations in disciple making movements in urban locations - 1 
Today, 4.4 billion people (56% of the global population) live in cities. People in cities are increasingly unreached. 15 insights for growth from research and questions to consider.. part 1.
The vocation journey of Cam Moss 
"Currently I own a small business that helps other businesses with their people problems. I have a background in missions, then into being a pastor and then into the business world..."
Believing but not religious 
We're seeing the decline in the number of congregations and in the number of religious vocations. However, we still have incredibly high numbers of people who believe in God or a higher power...
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Events (5 found)

Online - How to start a micro-church
There are no silver bullets, but there are some common principles to help you be the church Jesus is calling you to be. This can help you start your own microchurch or give you the tools to help others start one.

This 1 hr webinar is led by microchurch practitioners of 20 years. The Underground experiment has uncovered the commonalities of activated missional Christians who plant persevering microchurches. These heroic leaders often don't know the next step but are compelled by Jesus into His purposes. Maybe you can relate. The encouragement is these transcendent commonalities can help you plant the microchurch Jesus is calling you to be. It's not easy and there is no guarantee of success, but the joy of the Lord saturates those who follow him into his mission. We hope you join us!
Online - How to activate people into mission
Are you leading a microchurch or microchurch network and trying to learn more about how to activate people into mission? Join us for this 1-hour webinar as we talk about how to help others step out in kingdom risk.

This 1 hr webinar is led by microchurch practitioners of 20 years. The Underground experiment has uncovered the commonalities of activated missional Christians who plant persevering microchurches. These heroic leaders often don't know the next step but are compelled by Jesus into His purposes. Maybe you can relate. This webinar can help you activate people in your own microchurch and also give you the tools to help and coach others to activate people into God’s mission in greater ways.
Online - Online Launch of Faith Sharing Profiles
Share Jesus International. Over the last 25 years it has been a privilege to work with local churches and individual Christians who want to share their faith. What we have discovered is that many of us feel pressured to share Jesus in a certain way. And when we fail to do so, we can end up feeling really guilty!
As a charity this year, we have been doing some research into how Christians share their faith. We’ve done quantitative and qualitative research to explore some of the underlying tensions when it comes to faith sharing. And on the back of that we have created a quiz that helps each of us explore our natural approach.
Having field tested it in a number of settings, we are launching the research online and we’d love you to join us! You’ll get a chance to do the quiz and think through how you share your faith.
Online - Perspectives on Mission: Sexuality
ForMission College webinars aim to bring key thinkers and significant research to a wide audience. Each session will be an hour and a half with about 30-40 minutes of input from the guest specialist followed by a time of discussion and Q&A. Participants will have the opportunity to hear presentations on relevant topics in mission in the UK today from some of the best speakers in the contemporary UK church.
In-Person - Beyond the Familiar: Exploring Evangelism in the unknown - Hoddeston
@High Leigh, Lord Street, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire
The conference particularly focuses on the theme of Beyond the Familiar: Exploring evangelism in the unknown asking what we can learn from parts of the church with which we may be unfamiliar and the gift and challenge that they bring. Also TED type talks on; Evangelism amongst 20s-30s – sharing the good news with digital natives, Evangelism as storytelling, Trauma-informed evangelism – sharing the good news with those hurt by the church, ‘Spiritual but not religious’ – good news for the nones.

To submit a story or to publicise an event please contact us. Sign up for email here.