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Articles (43 found)

Schools and intergenerational tutoring 
A programme that which pairs senior volunteers with children in kindergarten thru Year 3 for 30–45 minutes each week. They become their tutor, mentor and friend. The volunteers benefit in various ways too..
Building youth resilience 
Resilience is not just something individual - like perseverance or grit. It is also about navigating resources – both social and non-social – that are available in the wider environment.
Community-led digital inclusion support 
How do you reach people who aren’t online? Or people not interested in learning digital skills? One way is via local digital inclusion hubs. 3000+ UK organisations form the National Digital Inclusion Network.
Tools to reduce age bias in recruitment
Older workers (defined as aged 50+) make up approximately one third of the workforce, yet face numerous disadvantages during the recruitment process. Here are 3 tools to to minimise age bias...
Doughnut Economics for business: creating enterprises that are regenerative and distributive
Redesigning business away from the outdated 20th century idea of existing to extract maximum value, to the 21st century idea of generating maximum benefits.
Zero Gravity 
Students selected for their accelerators come from backgrounds and areas where reaching a top university is more of a challenge than an inevitability. According to UCAS, they are twice as likely to achieve top university places.
Empathy + compassion are evolved states of being 
The best way to spot an idiot is to look for the person who is cruel. Over many years, I have found one thing to be universally true - the kindest person in the room is often the smartest.
Dispersing manufacturing jobs to marginalised communities 
"I never wanted to create 'just another clothing brand' - I want Paskho to be a vehicle for meaningful change. building a more equitable landscape for all of us."
Community businesses - helping make places better 
"With their ability to adapt and respond swiftly to their communities’ changing needs, community businesses are playing an integral role in levelling up the country towards a fairer economy."
Breaking Free from Benefits
Julie Hawkins had to take benefits when she became a single mum. A system in which she was trapped by a lot of barriers at great cost - both financially to taxpayer and personally to individuals. Her suggestions for change...
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Events (1 found)

Online - The Strength of Community
How exactly do health communities help human beings to thrive? What is about them that is so essential to the way we function as individuals? What can we do, in the midst of escalating poverty and disconnection, to strengthen our communities?

These are the questions ACE-Aware Scotland will be exploring in our 2024 event. There could be no one better to help us in addressing these questions than this year’s invited speaker: Professor Sir Michael Marmot.

To submit a story or to publicise an event please contact us. Sign up for email here.