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Articles (128 found)

Imposter syndrome 
Impostor-related thoughts and feelings lead to unproductive behaviours which are costly to individuals and their organisation. An estimated 70% of achievers - men and women - have experienced impostor syndrome.
Alternative Walking Tours - Invisible Cities 
Invisible Cities is a social enterprise that trains people affected by homelessness to become walking tour guides of their own city. The training focuses on confidence building, public speaking and customer service.
What responsibility do parents have for their children's mental health? 
There is a belief in many parents who come for guidance that children are the problem. “Fix my child." They can’t see how their behaviour, style or issues may impact their child.
Walking in Gratitude 
When Nicola, a working mother of four, faces serious mental and physical health issues, she finds herself saying, “thank you.” She discovers that by practicing gratitude, she is able to..
The demand for spiritual care in the private sector 
The boundary between HR and chaplaincy is that chaplains have to be neutral. That ability is critical so that they can move in and out in a liminal way (occupy a position on both sides of a boundary).
Culture on prescription 
People have long used arts as a way to make sense of the world, build connections and define themselves whilst benefiting from the arts’ therapeutic effects. Arts and culture can make us feel better...
Is the decline in children's independent activity one cause of decline in their mental well-being? 
Over last 60 years, understanding has shifted from children as competent, responsible and resilient to focusing on children’s needs for supervision, protection.
The devastating effect of divorce or separation on Adverse Childhood Experiences 
Individuals, communities, society pay a huge cost due to ACEs - wasted lives, premature death, anti-social behaviour, + healthcare, justice, education, social services costs.
Holy/Hurt: Exploring spiritual trauma and healing 
A feature of trauma is loss of meaning and trust, undermining sense of self-worth, value, and humanity, while increasing the presence of guilt, shame, fear, and numbing, defensive strategies to mask it.
How to talk to your children about conflict and war 
Conflict or war can cause feelings such as fear, sadness, anger, anxiety wherever you live. Children look to their parents for safety and security – even more so in times of crisis. Here are 8 tips..
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Events (1 found)

In-Person - Christians in Media Engage 2024 - London
@St Martin-in-the-Fields Trafalgar Square London
In a world where the Media wields unparalleled influence, the messages we convey shape societies and individuals alike. As Christians in this dynamic arena, our commitment to truth, integrity and the expression of faith faces constant challenges.
Through community, vision, and training, Christians in Media rise to meet these challenges. At our Engage Conference, we will tackle three critical questions resonating deeply in our current climate:
How do we disagree well? Navigating disagreements with grace and respect in a polarised media landscape.
What role does AI play in the future of media? Exploring the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in shaping media narratives.
How do we protect our mental health in this pressured and highly visible profession? Addressing the unique challenges of maintaining mental well-being in the fast-paced world of media

To submit a story or to publicise an event please contact us. Sign up for email here.