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Articles (59 found)

Can AI be ethical? 
As AI becomes advanced and integrated into aspects of society, it is crucial to address potential ethical implications of its use. There is a consensus that development of ethically aligned AI systems is imperative. Some insights..
Discipling a million 
Story of a website that had over 50M visitors last year, all seeking answers to hard questions about life and God. 1M visitors found a link saying they invited Jesus into their life and wanted info to get discipled.
Ministry in the age of AI - 2 
Some of the adoptions of AI by churches. Summarising meeting notes, action points, sermons, manuscripts, etc. Things that are more strategic - building insights, trends. Giving pastoral care advice and coaching leaders...
Ministry in the age of AI - 1
25% of adults say that they would trust an AI response if they asked it questions about Christian teachings and beliefs. That rises to 40% for Gen Z and Millennials. We face interesting questions about how to do ministry.
Community-led digital inclusion support 
How do you reach people who aren’t online? Or people not interested in learning digital skills? One way is via local digital inclusion hubs. 3000+ UK organisations form the National Digital Inclusion Network.
Storyville Gardens
To challenge literacy statistics, Storyville is designed to ignite the desire to read by toddlers to teens and adults alike. It is an imagination-driven, interactive entertainment destination where stories engage and connect.
3-10 year olds enrolled in ThinkZone programs significantly outperformed comparison group by 40%-60% in number recognition and counting, in comparison skills and shape knowledge, in reading and writing, in division skills.
Giving parents authority over children's social media
Encouraging law on social media - an example for governments to follow. Gives full administrator-level access to parents, so that they can see everything that their children are doing on social media.
The fifth industrial revolution 
“I see a crisis of trust in technology. In the Fifth Industrial Revolution, we’re going to have to have a chief ethical and humane use officer. Are we using these technologies for the good of the world?”
Digital Compass
A behaviourally informed programme, designed with young people to help them behave ethically online. A positive impact on their online experiences; knowledge, new coping strategies, responsibility, consequences of their actions.
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Events (3 found)

In-Person - Christians in Media Engage 2024 - London
@St Martin-in-the-Fields Trafalgar Square London
In a world where the Media wields unparalleled influence, the messages we convey shape societies and individuals alike. As Christians in this dynamic arena, our commitment to truth, integrity and the expression of faith faces constant challenges.
Through community, vision, and training, Christians in Media rise to meet these challenges. At our Engage Conference, we will tackle three critical questions resonating deeply in our current climate:
How do we disagree well? Navigating disagreements with grace and respect in a polarised media landscape.
What role does AI play in the future of media? Exploring the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in shaping media narratives.
How do we protect our mental health in this pressured and highly visible profession? Addressing the unique challenges of maintaining mental well-being in the fast-paced world of media
In-Person - Dissent in a Digital Age Day Conference - Oxford
@Regent's Park College, Oxford
Centre for Baptist Studies and The Angus Library on-day conference on Digital Theology. 
In-Person - The John Stott London Lecture 2024: Authentic Relationships in an Artificial World - London
@All Souls, Langham Place, London
Professor John Wyatt on growing and protecting authentic relationships in an AI-saturated world. 

In 2024, AI-simulated relationships are increasingly being promoted for therapy, care, education, amusement, and even romance. A growing tide of loneliness and isolation and a pervasive sense of relational deficiency provide a context in which simulated companionship can appear a compelling solution. Frictionless, unfailingly positive, and consistent, the AI companion seems increasingly preferable to the messy and unpredictable reality of human interactions and bonds. 

What kind of world are we creating for the future, and what will it mean for those of us who wish to be faithful to our Christian calling? How do we respond to our call to make disciples in an AI-saturated world, and what opportunities and challenges does AI open up when it comes to helping people follow the way of Jesus in the 21st Century?  

In the 2024 John Stott London Lecture, John Wyatt, Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics, Ethics, and Perinatology at University College London, and author of The Robot Will See You Now and Transforming Friendship, will consider how AI may be redeemed from destructive and addictive tendencies and harnessed to support the nurturing and formation of Christian disciples for the future. 

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