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Articles (110 found)

How companies can support survivors of domestic abuse 
There is more awareness of the workplace impacts of domestic violence and abuse. Access a Toolkit that offers a roadmap for businesses to support survivors of domestic violence.
The Wellbeing Journey 
Churches are in a unique place to lead communities on an 8-part video journey to improved physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. It's based around 7 key areas of wellbeing. "It's been amazing."
Resilience in turbulent times? The answer is community. 
A strong community is an amazing place for young to grow up in and elderly to age in. We've got connection, share resources, feel safe, our hearts belong. But what's it got to do with resilience?
Walking in Gratitude 
When Nicola, a working mother of four, faces serious mental and physical health issues, she finds herself saying, “thank you.” She discovers that by practicing gratitude, she is able to..
The demand for spiritual care in the private sector 
The boundary between HR and chaplaincy is that chaplains have to be neutral. That ability is critical so that they can move in and out in a liminal way (occupy a position on both sides of a boundary).
Culture on prescription 
People have long used arts as a way to make sense of the world, build connections and define themselves whilst benefiting from the arts’ therapeutic effects. Arts and culture can make us feel better...
The devastating effect of divorce or separation on Adverse Childhood Experiences 
Individuals, communities, society pay a huge cost due to ACEs - wasted lives, premature death, anti-social behaviour, + healthcare, justice, education, social services costs.
Churches creating safer communities for young people 
We know the young people in our communities need safe spaces to grow up in. What part can churches play as part of the mission of God? Three churches tell stories of their response.
Positive Childhood Experiences and adult health outcomes 
Positive Childhood Experiences can have a protective role in enhancing health resilience by promoting healthy outcomes and also by reducing the negative impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences.
5 tips for citizen engagement for the public sector
A public servant needs to master the art of engaging citizens effectively. To do the right things, they must listen, engage, and co-create solutions with those they are here to serve – the citizens.
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