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Articles (55 found)

Should adolescents start school later? 
Various pilot programs have found that later secondary school start times may help students get more sleep, feel less depressed, attend school more, and achieve higher grades. But it depends on..
Art diversion programme allows young to exit justice system
In 10 years, 1,400+ young people diverted away from jail or sanctions. Their art is used to advocate for legal reform and show their many facets, strengths, aspirations.
Building youth resilience 
Resilience is not just something individual - like perseverance or grit. It is also about navigating resources – both social and non-social – that are available in the wider environment.
Is the decline in children's independent activity one cause of decline in their mental well-being? 
Over last 60 years, understanding has shifted from children as competent, responsible and resilient to focusing on children’s needs for supervision, protection.
Churches creating safer communities for young people 
We know the young people in our communities need safe spaces to grow up in. What part can churches play as part of the mission of God? Three churches tell stories of their response.
Volunteering and the positive impact on mental health 
"This study shows the tremendous benefits of youth volunteering. The act of helping others and building empathy and understanding, is a critical protective factor against mental ill-health."
Digital Compass
A behaviourally informed programme, designed with young people to help them behave ethically online. A positive impact on their online experiences; knowledge, new coping strategies, responsibility, consequences of their actions.
What is the link between video gaming as an adolescent and later gambling? 
3 questions; 1. Effects of daily video gaming on real money gambling? 2. Effects of playing simulated gambling games on real money gambling? 3. What are other main risk factors?
Preparing young people for the world of work 
Many think they did not receive enough support in education to prepare for careers. Many dissatisfied with current job, career progression due to poor-quality management and lack of training holding them back.
Cooking lessons as youthwork?
'Chopped Jr' consists of physical activity, cooking, measuring, kitchen equipment, reading recipes, budgeting, cooking techniques. It ends with a competition where the chefs make a meal for the judges.
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